Saturday, December 12, 2015

Math for Week of December 14-18, 2015

In Math we will practice our skills by play math games and problem solving games.


                       Read My Mind!

Friday, December 11, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Dec. 14 - 18

No Memory Verse - Merry Christmas!!!

Monday - Justinian Maps, before and after the fall of the Western Empire
Tuesday - Charles Martel, Pepin the Short and Charlemagne, read intro card and complete corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - Summarize a reading about Charles Martel
Thursday - Summarize a reading about Pepin the Short
Friday - Christmas Party

Spelling Quiz Monday!
We will use our literature this time to write our plays based on our favorite Canterbury Tale.

Create our mobiles from the pictures we turned in last week
Bible Jeopardy

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Math For Week of December 7-11, 2015

In Math This week we will be working with fractions and mixed numbers.  We will on

Monday- rename mixed numbers and improper fractions

Tuesday- add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers

Wednesday- add fractions with unlike denominators

Thursday- play Fraction Capture

Friday- solve fraction number stories

                                                       Image result for addition of fractions

Friday, December 4, 2015

Lingua Latina: Dec. 7-11

Monday - Intro to Chapter 8, we will read our grammar page together and overview the 2nd Declension family for Neuter Nouns. Complete page 47 for homework.
Friday - Check our homework on page 47 for corrections and play the Latin Vocabulary Card Game.

2nd Declension Neuter Chant


-um = noun

-i = of the noun

-orum = of the nouns
-o = to/for the noun

-is = to/for the nouns
-um = the noun

-a = the nouns
-o = by/with/from the 
-is=by/with/from the nouns

History, Literature, Bible: Dec. 7-11

Memory Verse: Recite on Dec. 15th
Matthew 3:11
“I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."

Monday - Justinian the Great, introduction card and corresponding worksheet
Tuesday - Reading and discussion about Justinian's relationship with the barbarians
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday -We will read about the Byzantine Empire and the creation of the Byzantine Church
Friday - Create a mosaic tile and discuss the art of the Byzantine style

Monday - Spelling Quiz! Turn in your "Wife of Bath's Tale" comprehension question
Tuesday - Read "The Franklin's Prologue"
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Work on "The Franklin's Prologue" comprehension questions.
Friday -Work on character descriptions from the characters we have read about so far. Discuss the various sins and worldly characteristics we see in each story.

Spelling this week:

Tuesday - Jesus as a Boy and Ministry of John TEST, Recite Memory Verse Matthew 3:16-17
Wednesday - Baptism of Jesus, read introduction card and complete corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Reading different accounts of Jesus baptism from the bible, we will create a mobile illustrating different things that are mentioned.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lingua Latina: Dec. 4th

We reviewed over chapter 7 together in class on Monday, please make sure you study for your quiz on Friday. Go over you "sum/esse" chant.