Sunday, January 31, 2016

Biology February 1-5, 2016


This week we will continue to learn about mollusks.  On Monday, we will observe the anatomy of the oyster and dissect some fresh oysters.  What fun!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Math for Week of February 1-5, 2016

Monday- Complete a Study Guide for test over fractions

Tuesday- Test

Wednesday- Go over test and do test corrections

Thursday- Lesson 4-1 decimal Place Value

Friday- Lesson 4-2 representing Decimals Through Thousandths

Decimal Place Value

Friday, January 29, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Feb 1-5

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, February 9th
John 2:3-4
When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.”

Monday -Otto I, mapping the Treaty of Verdun and the breaking up of the empire
Tuesday - Review for Otto
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Otto I Test
Friday - Eastern and Western Schism, reading card and corresponding worksheet

Monday - Spelling Quiz over last weeks words, read chapter 9 aloud in class, and again at home to yourself
Tuesday - Work on Vocabulary worksheet
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Read chapter 10 aloud in class, and at home to yourself
Friday - Complete the Understanding The Story and Summary worksheet over chapter 9-10

Spelling for this week:

Tuesday - Review for Jesus Calls Andrew and Simon
Wednesday - Fishing Game
Thursday - Jesus Calls Andrew and Simon Quiz

Monday - Primer A, Page 67 is due to me on Monday, we will check our work and make corrections. Remember that nouns and adjectives have to match in GENDER, NUMBER and CASE
Create flash cards for chapter 11, I will check that these are done on Friday.
Friday - I will check that you have made your flashcards for chapter 11, a card for each vocabulary word and for your 3 ending chats for Mas, Fem, and Neuter, quiz on Monday the 8th

ELA February 1-5

This week we are starting the "Grammar Voyage" textbook. We will be discussing nouns (proper, common, plural, singular and possessive), introducing subject, object, demonstrative, possessive, and interrogative pronouns. We will continue to work on sentences out of the "Grammar Town" workbook until it is complete. We will be moving on to the "Grammar Voyage" workbook very soon.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Lambden Brown

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Biology January 25 - 29, 2016

Great Job, Biology Students!  You are working so hard as we learn about invertebrates - even flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms!  You are beginning to verbalize your observations, from "oh, wow!" to "I never knew there was so much to a worm!"    You are using scientific vocabulary with ease and even getting over the "gross" factor!

This week we will begin to learn about Echinodermata (spiny-skinned invertebrates such as starfish) and you will be fascinated by the incredible beauty as well as the amazing body structure.

We will not have a quiz this week but will keep up with new vocabulary.

Math for Week of January 25-29, 2016

In Math this week we will on

Monday- Complete a Study Guide

Tuesday- Take a test over Chapter 4

Wednesday- Go over Test and do Test Corrections

Thursday- Lesson 5-1 Using Equivalent Fractions to Find Common Denominators

Friday-  Lesson 5-1 Using Equivalent Fractions to Find Common Denominators

Friday, January 22, 2016

ELA 1/25-1/29

This week we will be revisiting complex sentences and starting compound-complex sentences. We were having trouble understanding these sentences last week. I would like to revisit them to make sure everyone masters them.

Stay warm!

Mrs. Lambden Brown

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Jan. 25-29

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, February 2nd
Mark 1:19-20
As he went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.

Monday -Write the inscription of Alfred the Great's statue in your best handwriting. Discuss and write about the good things that the inscription says about the good things Alfred did. Create an Alfred statue
Tuesday - Review For Alfred Quiz
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Alfred the Great Quiz
Friday - Otto I and the Holy Roman Empire, introduction card and corresponding worksheet

Monday -  Spelling Quiz
Turn in our dictionary and question worksheets for Chapters 5-6 of "Door In The Wall"
Tuesday - Read Chapter 7 together in class and to yourselves at home.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday -  Read Chapter 8 in our books. Work on dictionary worksheet for chapters 7-8
Friday - Turn in dictionary worksheet if not already turned in, complete the summary of these two chapters and questions.

Spelling for this week:

Tuesday- Recite memory verse: Matt. 4:18-19; Jesus Calls Andrew and Simon Peter, read card and complete corresponding worksheet
Wednesday - Bible Reading worksheet
Thursday -

Monday -We will check our work that you were to have completed on Ch. 10 and complete the rest of the review
Friday - Chapter 11, read the vocabulary and grammar and complete the activity page in your workbooks.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Math for Week of January 18- 22, 2016

Last week we took a test over fractions.  I discovered many students did not understand this unite.  So we will do a quick review this week and take the test over again.
This week in Math we will on

Monday- Holiday

Tuesday- Divide making fractions as remainders

Wednesday- Find fractions of numbers

Thursday- Use >, <. or = comparing two fractions

Friday- Add and subtract fractions

Dividing and making fractions from remainders

Finding Fractions of Numbers
Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Friday, January 15, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: January 18-22

Memory Verse: Recite on January 26th, Tuesday
Matthew 4:18-19
 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Tuesday - Review what we learned about Alfred the Great from last weeks introduction. Read from "Story of the World" about Alfred the Great (pages 132-136). Complete  the comprehension questions.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Go over comprehension questions, Map Work, you will have instructions for your map on what to find and what to color.
Friday -Finish map and begin work on writing the inscription of Alfred the Great's statue. Discuss and write about the good things that the inscription says about the good things Alfred did.

Tuesday -

  • Turn in your NEW character charts that you were to redo over the weekend. 
  • Spelling Quiz over Chapters 1-4 Words
  • Read Chapter 5 of "Door In The Wall" 

Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Complete Vocabulary/Spelling worksheet for Chapter 5-6
Friday - Read Chapter 6 and complete the understanding the story and summary worksheet.

Spelling This Week:

Tuesday - Recite memory verse: Matthew 4:3-4, Review for Temptation and Ministry of Christ Quiz
Wednesday - Bible Review
Thursday - Temptation and Ministry of Christ QUIZ

Friday - Begin work on Chapter 10, Review over chapters 6-9

Monday, January 11, 2016

Biology January 11 - 15, 2016

This week we are going to learn about flatworms (planaria, tape worms, and flukes) - how exciting is that!!  On Friday, you will take a vocabulary test on the following words:
bilateral symmetry
radial symmetry

Also, be prepared to write a paragraph describing a sponge, jellyfish, coral, or sea anemone!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Math for Week of January 11-15, 2016

In Math we will on -

Monday- Complete a Study Guide

Tuesday- Take Chapter 3 Test

Wednesday- Go over Test and make Corrections

Thursday-  Lesson 4-1 Decimal Place Value

Friday- Lesson 4-2 Representing Decimals Through Thousandths

Decimals Through a Thousandths

Friday, January 8, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Jan 11-15

Memory Verse: To be recited on Tuesday the 19th 
Matthew 4:3-4
The tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.”  But he answered, “It is written,

‘One does not live by bread alone,
    but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Monday - Have your timeline picture/summary done to turn in when you come to class. Review for Martel, Pepin and Charlemagne
Tuesday - Review for Charlemagne Quiz
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Charlemagne Quiz
Friday - Alfred the Great, read introduction and complete corresponding worksheet.

Please don't forget to write your spelling words twice each night
Monday - Turn in your Chapters 1-2 summary worksheet, we will then read chapter 3 together in class.
Tuesday - Look up our vocabulary words for Chapters 3-4, complete worksheet
Wednesday - Read chapter 4 together as a class
Thursday - Complete "Understanding the Story" handout
Friday - Write out a summary of Chapter 3-4 on the back of the previous handout.

Spelling/Vocabulary for this week:
Clamoring - demanding to be heard
Vexation - irritation or annoyance
Putrid - decayed or rotten with a very bad smell
Retainer - a person who serves a household
Procession - a group moving in an orderly way
Breviary - a book of religious prayers or songs
Plague - a disease that spreads quickly and often causes death
Abated - to have lost strength
Yonder - over there
Parchment - strong or thick paper
Quill - a pen made from a feather
Ancient - very old or belonging to a time long ago

Tuesday - Temptation of Christ, read introduction and complete corresponding worksheet
Wednesday - Bible reading on the Temptation, complete worksheet
Thursday - Work on finishing our Jesus Ministry Window project.

No, there are not! 

Monday - Chapter 9 Quiz, study pages 52-53 in preparation and chant your 2nd Declension Neuter Endings
Friday - Chapter 10 Review over chapters 6-9. To be completed by next Monday for easy 100. We will check and make corrections.

January Reminders!!!

Each class is creating a themed basket full of goodies for auction at the Gala next month. 4th and 5th grade have combined to create a "MOVIE NIGHT" basket.

Each students is to bring something for the basket, this can range from popcorn to a DVD or maybe even movie tickets. Please refer all questions to Jenny Carpenter:

Gala project is in the works, I will update you on this project soon.

8th - Report cards go home
13th - 2nd Quarter Awards at Chapel
18th - MLK Holiday, No School
22nd - Donuts for Dads 7:30-8:30 A.M.
26th - CAC Field Trip 3rd-5th Grades 10:30 A.M.
29th - 100th Day of School

Friday, January 1, 2016

Math for Week of January 4-8, 2016

This week in Math we will be working with fractions.  On

Monday we will solve fraction number stories.

Tuesday and Wednesday we will solve "Fraction Of" problems.

Thursday we will complete a Study Guide for Chapter 3.

Friday we will complete a Chapter 3 Test.