Friday, January 8, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Jan 11-15

Memory Verse: To be recited on Tuesday the 19th 
Matthew 4:3-4
The tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.”  But he answered, “It is written,

‘One does not live by bread alone,
    but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Monday - Have your timeline picture/summary done to turn in when you come to class. Review for Martel, Pepin and Charlemagne
Tuesday - Review for Charlemagne Quiz
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Charlemagne Quiz
Friday - Alfred the Great, read introduction and complete corresponding worksheet.

Please don't forget to write your spelling words twice each night
Monday - Turn in your Chapters 1-2 summary worksheet, we will then read chapter 3 together in class.
Tuesday - Look up our vocabulary words for Chapters 3-4, complete worksheet
Wednesday - Read chapter 4 together as a class
Thursday - Complete "Understanding the Story" handout
Friday - Write out a summary of Chapter 3-4 on the back of the previous handout.

Spelling/Vocabulary for this week:
Clamoring - demanding to be heard
Vexation - irritation or annoyance
Putrid - decayed or rotten with a very bad smell
Retainer - a person who serves a household
Procession - a group moving in an orderly way
Breviary - a book of religious prayers or songs
Plague - a disease that spreads quickly and often causes death
Abated - to have lost strength
Yonder - over there
Parchment - strong or thick paper
Quill - a pen made from a feather
Ancient - very old or belonging to a time long ago

Tuesday - Temptation of Christ, read introduction and complete corresponding worksheet
Wednesday - Bible reading on the Temptation, complete worksheet
Thursday - Work on finishing our Jesus Ministry Window project.

No, there are not! 

Monday - Chapter 9 Quiz, study pages 52-53 in preparation and chant your 2nd Declension Neuter Endings
Friday - Chapter 10 Review over chapters 6-9. To be completed by next Monday for easy 100. We will check and make corrections.

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