Monday, March 28, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Mar. 29-Apr1

No Memory verse for next week because we will be testing!

Watch the video below to help with your model castle construction. 

This week we will be using this time for practice testing in preparation for your testing the first week of April. 
Friday - Model Castle Due
Model Castle Rubric
Model Castle Rubric
Excellent 20 pts.
Good 15 pts.
Fair 10 pts.
Poor/Not Acceptable 5 pts.

Castle looks as if it were brought to class directly from medieval times. There are signs of castle life. Great time and detail were spent in perfecting the castle.

Overall structure is correct. Extra buildings and structures were added. Time and effort were obviously put into creating the final product.

Basic construction job with no details. Limited features. Displays little effort.
Poor/Not Acceptable

Effort was not put into construction. Major design flaws are present. Final product does not resemble a castle.

4-5 or more features of a castle are easy to recognize even without labeling.

3 features of a castle are easy to recognize even without labeling.

2 or more features of a castle are recognizable
Poor/Not Acceptable

0-1 features of a castle are recognizable.

5 or more features of a castle are labeled correctly and neatly.

3-4 features of a castle are labeled correctly and neatly.

1-2 features of a castle are labeled correctly.
Poor/Not Acceptable

0 features of a castle are labeled correctly.
Artistic Design/

Artwork is complete and is student's personal best. Maximum effort is plainly evident; the student's perspective is also evident in the finished product.

The student put forth average to above average effort, which is immediately obvious. The castle clearly represents the student's perspective.

The student put minimal effort, but did complete the project. Focus and/or perspective may be lacking or absent.
Poor/Not Acceptable

The student did minimal artwork or artwork was not completed. Castle design is not cohesive, and no central focus is apparent.
Visual Appeal

Castle design is neatly done, effort and creativity are demonstrated.
Poor/Not Acceptable

Castle design is not visually appealing.

Example Models

Tuesday - Turn in your Hobbit packet for Chapters 7-9. Draw and illustration of your favorite part of these three chapters. 
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Read Ch. 10 aloud in class
Friday - Finish Chapter 10

Spelling this week:

Tuesday - Recite Memory Verse
We will start our introduction of Jesus and the 12 Apostles this week with our reading cards and bible readings. 

Friday - Check Chapter 15 work and make corrections, complete derivative page. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Math for Week of March 28- April 1, 2016

We will spend this short week reviewing math skills needed for our IA Test on April 5-7.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Biology March 28 - April 1, 2016

We have been learning about ecosystems, communities, populations, abiotic and biotic factors, producers, consumers, predators, prey and decomposers.  We have also learned about biomes.  This week we will learn about food chains and food webs.

I will be assigning a biome project - please expect an information packet about expectations at the end of this week.  There will be a generous amount of time to prepare at home!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: March 21-25

Do not forget we are out of school this Friday for Good Friday. Have a blessed Easter!
Memory Verse: Recite on March 29th
Matthew 8:2-4
And there was a leper who came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean.” He stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I do choose. Be made clean!” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Then Jesus said to him, “See that you say nothing to anyone; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

Monday - Review William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings, then read about the Domesday Book. You will then be sent home to make an inventory of your own "kingdom" where you will make a list of all you have in your own rooms.
Tuesday - Castles and Cathedrals, we will begin our introduction to castles with a powerpoint and some questions
Wednesday - Introduction to Cathedrals, reading card and corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Study of Cathedral architechture, you will get a rubric next week for creating your own castle based upon our study from Tuesday. This will be due next Friday, April 1st.

Monday - We will review what we have read through Chapters 4-6, begin reading chapter 7 at home.
Tuesday - Read aloud Chapter 7 in class together.
Wednesday - Read Chapter 8 at home.
Thursday - Read Chapter 8 aloud in class. Read Chapter 9 at home or over the weekend.

Spelling for this week:

Tuesday - Miracles, Healings and Parables, reading card and corresponding worksheet
Wednesday - Read Matthew 8:23-27, then do an art study on Sadao's depiction of Christ asleep in the storm.
Thursday - Review over this lesson

Monday - Chapter 15 introduction and workbook

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Math for Week of March 21-25, 2016

Monday- Lesson 4-8 Solving Problems on a Coordinate Grid, Part 1

Tuesday- Lesson 4-9 Solving Problems on a Coordinate Grid, Part 2

Wednesday- Lesson 4-12 Decimal Addition Algorithms

Thursday- Lesson 4-13 Decimal Subtraction Algorithms

Friday- No school- Good Friday

Decimal Addition

Thursday, March 10, 2016

ELA 3/21-3/25

This week we will be working on finishing our friendly letters, addressing our envelopes, and typing up questions to ask the schools. We didn't get quite as far with our letters as I had hoped this past week due to our test taking longer than anticipated.

Enjoy your Spring Break!

Mrs. Lambden Brown

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Biology March 7 - 11, 2016

Whew!  We have learned so much about Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species!  Now that we have examined all of the kingdoms, we are going to take a short break before learning about Vertebrates.  This week we will learn about ecosystems, feeding relationships, and important cycles.

Friday, March 4, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Mar. 7-11

No Memory Verse - Spring Break

WEEKEND Assignment!
Watch the video below and answer the questions. 

  1. What does the Bayeux tapestry show?
  2. Who is a theign?
  3. Who is the king before Harold and William come around?
  4. Normandy didn't have their own king because they were part of France, instead they were ruled by _________________.
  5. What was William's relationship (family relation) to Edward the Confessor?
  6. What was Harold's relationship (family relation) to Edward the Confessor?
  7. William doesn't have a large enough army to take on Harold, so who does he write to for help?William brought what kind of soldiers to the battle that gave them the advantage over the English?
  8. How was Harold killed?
  9. When the Norman's took over England, how did this change the lives of serfs?
Monday - Turn in to me William the Conqueror papers from Friday if you did not finish and also the questions and answers from the video above. Read about William the Conqueror in our Story of the World books. 
Tuesday - Complete worksheet on William the Conqueror from your Story of the World Reading
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - After reading more details of William's life, draw 8 illustrations from his life
Friday - Cowboy Day, Early Release 11:45

Monday - Turn in illustration for Chapter 4 and 5 if you haven't already. Complete vocabulary/dictionary worksheet. Read Ch. 6 at home
Tuesday - Read aloud Ch. 6 in class together
Wednesday - Chapel, complete Chapters 4-6 Comprehension questions
Thursday -
Friday - Cowboy Day, Early Release 11:45

No spelling words, we will practice using our words from the past 6 chapters this week with writing activities. 

Tuesday -  Recite memory verse. Review for Woman at the Well, we will watch a short video on this lesson.
Wednesday - Bible Jeopardy
Thursday - Woman at the Well Test

Monday - Complete Chapter 14, check our homework and make corrections

Thursday, March 3, 2016

ELA March 7-11

This week we are going to finish our friendly letters and address our envelopes. We are having a test on Wednesday over the four-level-analysis. We are going to be reviewing on Tuesday. This will be the last grade for this quarter. Please make sure you study and are prepared.

Mrs. Lambden Brown

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Math for Week of March 7-11, 2016

Monday- Lesson 4-9 Solving Problems on a Coordinate Gid

Tuesday and Wednesday- Lesson 4-10 Folder Art

Thursday- Lesson 4-11 Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

Friday- Cowboy Day- 1/2 Day- Early Release