Friday, March 4, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Mar. 7-11

No Memory Verse - Spring Break

WEEKEND Assignment!
Watch the video below and answer the questions. 

  1. What does the Bayeux tapestry show?
  2. Who is a theign?
  3. Who is the king before Harold and William come around?
  4. Normandy didn't have their own king because they were part of France, instead they were ruled by _________________.
  5. What was William's relationship (family relation) to Edward the Confessor?
  6. What was Harold's relationship (family relation) to Edward the Confessor?
  7. William doesn't have a large enough army to take on Harold, so who does he write to for help?William brought what kind of soldiers to the battle that gave them the advantage over the English?
  8. How was Harold killed?
  9. When the Norman's took over England, how did this change the lives of serfs?
Monday - Turn in to me William the Conqueror papers from Friday if you did not finish and also the questions and answers from the video above. Read about William the Conqueror in our Story of the World books. 
Tuesday - Complete worksheet on William the Conqueror from your Story of the World Reading
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - After reading more details of William's life, draw 8 illustrations from his life
Friday - Cowboy Day, Early Release 11:45

Monday - Turn in illustration for Chapter 4 and 5 if you haven't already. Complete vocabulary/dictionary worksheet. Read Ch. 6 at home
Tuesday - Read aloud Ch. 6 in class together
Wednesday - Chapel, complete Chapters 4-6 Comprehension questions
Thursday -
Friday - Cowboy Day, Early Release 11:45

No spelling words, we will practice using our words from the past 6 chapters this week with writing activities. 

Tuesday -  Recite memory verse. Review for Woman at the Well, we will watch a short video on this lesson.
Wednesday - Bible Jeopardy
Thursday - Woman at the Well Test

Monday - Complete Chapter 14, check our homework and make corrections

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