Friday, May 6, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: May 9-13

Reminders for this week:
Wednesday - Combined classes Music rehearsal after chapel
Thursday - End of Year Music Programs: begins at 6:30 PM, be here by 6:15 PM
Friday - Field Day, Early Dismissal 11:45

Monday - Story of the World: War of the Roses reading, have the students retell the reading verbally
Tuesday - Story of the World: Princes in the Tower, while one group films the other group will create family banners for the Lancastrians and the Yorks. 
Wednesday - While the other group films, the group from yesterday will create their banners
Thursday & Friday - Students will follow instructions and map out time during the War of the Roses and create a pop out castle. 

Monday - we will put the finishing touches on our scripts and prepare for filming our broadcast for the rest of the week

Tuesday - The Transfiguration, reading card and worksheet
Wednesday - Read Matt. 17:1-9 and translate key words from this lesson using the Key code on the worksheet. 
Thursday -Triumphal Entry, reading card and worksheet

Monday - Chapter 17 introduction and video, complete the activity page for this chapter
Friday -  Check our work on the activity page and go over any mistakes that were made. 

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