Monday, February 29, 2016

Feudalism, Knights and Heraldry Review

Test on Thursday - March 3rd

Feudalism Review

  • What is it? A social system of the Middle Ages
  • When was it: 1000-1400 A.D. 
  • What did it do? Provide protection from outside attack for European people
  • When did it end? When the Kings gained control over the noble classes with the help of the church
You will have a blank pyramid to fill in each level and write what each level of Feudal Hierarchy was responsible for.

  • King - Provides land, money and military on demand, protection for all below
  • Nobles (Vassals) - Provide land to knights, military service and money to king
  • Knights (SubVassals) - Provide military service and land to freemen
  • Freemen - Pay rent to knights, provide food and military service
  • Serfs - Owned by overlord, provide food and military service
Knights Review

  1. Boy
    • Age: 0-7
    • Lives at home with parents
    • has toys like wooden swords, goes to tournaments to instill the idea of being a knight
    • learns manners and religion 
  2. Page
    • Age: 7-14
    • Goes to live with another noble/knight and his family 
    • Learns manners, waiting at table, takes care of his lord's clothing and dressing him
  3. Squire
    • Age: 14-21
    • Lives with his knight
    • Learns horsemanship, religion, taking care of armor, accompanying his knight on the battle field
    • Court Etiquette: chivalry, dancing, music, and manners
  4. Knight
    • Age: 21 or younger if he shows bravery on the battlefield
    • Responsibilities: military service as a soldier, chivalry, pledges loyalty to his king or overlord
Heraldry Review

  • Heraldry was important because: 
        1. Helped knights identify each other during battle
        2. Noble families designed  them to represent their families
  • What is a tincture? Colors used for heraldry
  • There are two groups of tinctures: colors and metals
  • What was the rule of tinctures? You could not have a metal on another metal color, or color on another color

I will provide you with a coat of arms and the lists of symbols and colors and you will have describe the blazon and what all the symbols and colors mean. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Biology February 29 - March 4, 2016

This week in Biology we will complete our study of Arthropods, which is the last phylum of Invertebrates.  There will be several lessons to teach the process of dissection of a crayfish before we do the lab.

Before we start a study of Vertebrates, we will spend some time to learn about biomes, ecosystems, and food webs.

Math for Week of February 29- March 4, 2016

Monday- Lesson 4-7  Playing Hidden Treasure

Tuesday and Wednesday- Lesson 4-10 Folder Art

Thursday- Lesson 4-11 Addition and Subtraction of Decimals

Friday- Lesson 4-12 Decimal Addition Algorithms

Friday, February 26, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Feb 29 - Mar 4

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, March 7th
Matthew 8:26-27
 And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a dead calm. They were amazed, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?”

Monday - We will review over the Feudal System and Stages of Knight
Tuesday - Review over Heraldry
Wednesday - Chapel, oral review for test on Thursday
Thursday - Feudal System, Knights and Heraldry Test
Friday - Introduction to Castles of the Middle Ages

Monday - Turn in your Hobbit: Chapter 1-3 vocabulary and comprehension packet, read aloud Chapter 4 in class, finish at home what we do not get to.
Tuesday - Read chapter 4 again and illustrate your favorite part of this chapter
Wednesday - Read Chapter 5 aloud in class, finish at home
Thursday - Discuss Chapter 5 and re-read Chapter 5 at home
Friday - Turn in your illustration of Chapter 5, begin work on vocabulary for Chapters 4-6

Spelling for this week:
Remuneration (yes, again)

Tuesday - Recite Memory Verse, Woman at the Well introduction card and corresponding worksheet
Wednesday -Read John 4:1-42 in our bibles, discuss some facts that were not mentioned in the bible, complete worksheet
Thursday - Create a Venn Diagram showing the differences between the Jews and the Samaritans

Monday - I will check that Ch. 13 review is done, and then we will check our work and make corrections
Friday - Translation Caput I and II

ELA 2/29-3/4

This week we will be working on writing friendly letters. We have been invited to participate in the "Great Mail Race". We will be sending letters to multiple schools throughout the United States learning about their school and state. We are hoping for many schools to reply! We will be learning about the format of a friendly letter and how to properly address an envelope.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Lambden Brown

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Math for Week of February 22- 26, 2016

Monday- Lesson 4-6 Introduction to Coordinate System

Tuesday- Lesson 4-7 Playing Hidden Treasure

Wednesday- Lesson 4-8 Solving Problems on a Coordinate Grid Part 1

Thursday- Lesson 4-9 Solving Problems on a Coordinate Grid Part 2

Friday- Lesson 4-10 Folder Art

Friday, February 19, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Feb. 22-26

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, March 1st
John 4:13-14
Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.” 

Monday - Your Feudal booklets are due to me. You should have finished coloring, gluing and writing the descriptions of each position and we will create our social pyramid off of these. Read "Feudalism Comes to Europe" and complete questions.
Tuesday -Wednesday  We will discuss why coat of arms became important and I will provide each of you with examples of what symbols mean. You will then be designing your coat of arms on paper before we create our own banners .
Thursday - Friday - Levels of a Knight powerpoint and project

Monday - Read Chapter 2 of the Hobbit
Tuesday - Discuss what happens in Chapter 2, draw an illustration of your favorite part of this chapter.
Wednesday - Complete Vocabulary worksheet
Thursday - Write sentences using our vocabulary, Begin Chapter 3 of Hobbit
Friday - Discuss what happens in Chapter 3, illustrate your favorite part of this chapter.

Spelling for this week:

Tuesday - Recite John 3:5-6, Review over Water into Wine and Merchants lesson.
Wednesday - Review
Thursday - Wine and Merchants Test

Monday - Chapter 12 Test
Friday - Chapter 13 Review Chapter

Thursday, February 18, 2016

ELA 2/22-2/26

This week we will be learning about passive and active voice for action verbs, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tense. Today I sent home progress reports with your child. They need to be signed and returned tomorrow, Friday, February 19th, please.

Just a few reminders of things coming up at CCS.

-March 8th: Spring Individual Photos (non-uniform)
-March 11th: Cowboy Day! Early Release at 11:45 a.m.
-March 14th-18th: SPRING BREAK! Hooray!
-March 25th: Good Friday! No School!
-March 28th: Easter Holiday! No School!

Alyse Lambden Brown

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Biology February 15 - 19, 2016

This week in Biology we are studying the characteristics of arthropods, especially arachnids.
Vocabulary words are:
compound eye
book lungs

Students need to come to class prepared - binders, pencils, notes, and homework!!

Monday, February 15, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Feb. 15-19

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd
John 3:5-6
Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.  What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Tuesday through Thursday we will work on our Schism movie skit
Friday - Introduction to Feudalism

Tuesday - Introduction about Tolkien, read chapter 1 at home to yourself
Wednesday - Read together Chapter 1 if time permits
Thursday - Read Chapter 2, work on vocabulary
Friday - Read Chapter 3, work on questions for Chapters 1-3

Spelling for this week:

1. Hobbit
2. JRR Tolkien
3. luxurious                                                                                   4. remarkable
5. depredation
6. adventurous
7. immensely
8. flummoxed
9. audacious
10. sorcerous

Tuesday - Water into Wine craft and review of this lesson
Wednesday - Merchants Driven from the Temple, reading card and worksheet
Thursday - Read John 2:13-17 and practice writting complete, detailed sentences about 5 facts that were not mentioned on our reading card.

Friday - Review Noun/Adjective agreements and sentence patterns.Complete the derivative page

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Math for Week of February 15- 19, 2016

Monday- No school

Tuesday- Lesson 4-5 Rounding Decimals

Wednesday- Lesson 5-6 Introduction to the Coordinate System

Thursday- Lesson 5-7 Playing Hidden Treasure

Friday- Lesson 4-8 Solving Problems on a Coordinate Grid

Thursday, February 11, 2016

ELA 2/15-2/19

This week we will be learning the difference between definite and indefinite article adjectives, reviewing possessive adjectives and action/linking verbs, and introducing being verbs. This will be a short week because we don't have school on Monday, February 15th! Enjoy the day off!

Mrs. Lambden Brown

Monday, February 8, 2016

Biology February 8-12, 2016

This week we will finish up Phylum Mollusca - on Monday, you will complete your poster and we will decide on our vocabulary words for the quiz on Friday.

We will learn about Phylum Arthropoda - a huge group of invertebrates that have jointed legs!

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Feb. 8-12

Memory Verse: Recite on Feb. 16th, Tuesday
John 2:17-19
His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” The Jews then said to him, “What sign can you show us for doing this?”  Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”

Monday - Tuesday: Teach the Class project.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - East-West Schism, reading and corresponding worksheet
Friday - More in depth reading about the schism, chart out the differences between the Eastern and Western churches

Monday - Spelling Quiz
We will be reviewing the whole book by chapter and preparing for a quiz on Friday. It will be multiple choice, short and long answer.
Friday - Door in the Wall Test

Spelling for this week:

Tuesday - Recite memory verse John 2:3-4, "Jesus turns water into wine" reading card and worksheet
Wednesday - Read John 2:1-12 in our bibles and complete activity worksheet
Thursday - Water into Wine project

Monday - Chapter 11 Quiz
Friday - Watch Chapter 12 video, read together about the grammar and complete activity page in workbook

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Math for Week of February 8-12, 2016

Monday- Lesson 4-1 Decimal Place Value

Tuesday- Lesson 4-2 Representing Decimals through Thousandths

Wednesday- Lesson 4-3 Representing Decimals in Expanded Form

Thursday- Lesson 4-4 Comparing and Ordering Decimals

Friday- Lesson 4-5 Rounding Decimals

Math for Week of February 8-12, 2016

Monday Lesson 5-11 Unit Iteration for Angles

Tuesday Lesson 5-12 Creating Symmetric Figures

Wednesday Lesson 5-13 More Multi-step Multiplication Number Stories

Thursday Study Guide

Friday Test

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

ELA February 8-12

We are continuing with our "Grammar Voyage" Textbook with a review of pronouns (subject, object, demonstrative, possessive, and interrogative). We are introducing  indefinite pronouns, antecedents, positive, comparative, and superlative adjectives.

I am posting early because I will not be here Wednesday-Friday. Please be good for Ms. Kirk.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Lambden Brown