Monday, February 29, 2016

Feudalism, Knights and Heraldry Review

Test on Thursday - March 3rd

Feudalism Review

  • What is it? A social system of the Middle Ages
  • When was it: 1000-1400 A.D. 
  • What did it do? Provide protection from outside attack for European people
  • When did it end? When the Kings gained control over the noble classes with the help of the church
You will have a blank pyramid to fill in each level and write what each level of Feudal Hierarchy was responsible for.

  • King - Provides land, money and military on demand, protection for all below
  • Nobles (Vassals) - Provide land to knights, military service and money to king
  • Knights (SubVassals) - Provide military service and land to freemen
  • Freemen - Pay rent to knights, provide food and military service
  • Serfs - Owned by overlord, provide food and military service
Knights Review

  1. Boy
    • Age: 0-7
    • Lives at home with parents
    • has toys like wooden swords, goes to tournaments to instill the idea of being a knight
    • learns manners and religion 
  2. Page
    • Age: 7-14
    • Goes to live with another noble/knight and his family 
    • Learns manners, waiting at table, takes care of his lord's clothing and dressing him
  3. Squire
    • Age: 14-21
    • Lives with his knight
    • Learns horsemanship, religion, taking care of armor, accompanying his knight on the battle field
    • Court Etiquette: chivalry, dancing, music, and manners
  4. Knight
    • Age: 21 or younger if he shows bravery on the battlefield
    • Responsibilities: military service as a soldier, chivalry, pledges loyalty to his king or overlord
Heraldry Review

  • Heraldry was important because: 
        1. Helped knights identify each other during battle
        2. Noble families designed  them to represent their families
  • What is a tincture? Colors used for heraldry
  • There are two groups of tinctures: colors and metals
  • What was the rule of tinctures? You could not have a metal on another metal color, or color on another color

I will provide you with a coat of arms and the lists of symbols and colors and you will have describe the blazon and what all the symbols and colors mean. 

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