Monday, February 15, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Feb. 15-19

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd
John 3:5-6
Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.  What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Tuesday through Thursday we will work on our Schism movie skit
Friday - Introduction to Feudalism

Tuesday - Introduction about Tolkien, read chapter 1 at home to yourself
Wednesday - Read together Chapter 1 if time permits
Thursday - Read Chapter 2, work on vocabulary
Friday - Read Chapter 3, work on questions for Chapters 1-3

Spelling for this week:

1. Hobbit
2. JRR Tolkien
3. luxurious                                                                                   4. remarkable
5. depredation
6. adventurous
7. immensely
8. flummoxed
9. audacious
10. sorcerous

Tuesday - Water into Wine craft and review of this lesson
Wednesday - Merchants Driven from the Temple, reading card and worksheet
Thursday - Read John 2:13-17 and practice writting complete, detailed sentences about 5 facts that were not mentioned on our reading card.

Friday - Review Noun/Adjective agreements and sentence patterns.Complete the derivative page

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