Friday, April 29, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: May 2-6

LAST Memory Verse: Recite on 10th
John 14:6-7
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

Monday - Map Work, following the instructions you will be creating a map for England after the Norman conquest,King Richard and the Crusades, and  Europe and the spread of the Plague
Tuesday - Read Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt from Story of the World and complete the questions.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Play the game Bowl for the Crown
Friday - Read Joan of Arc from Story of the World and complete the questions.

Monday -  Write our opening for the Hobbit News Cast and Jingle for your station, station name and Names of newscasters
Tuesday- Split class in two teams, write top stories about encountering Gollum and Smaug
Wednesday -Chapel
Thursday -Split Class into two teams, finish work on top stories, creating pictures to show the audience and interview with characters from these two stories
Friday - Work on secondary stories

Spelling this Week:

  1. Europe
  2. Plague
  3. Merchant
  4. Quarrel
  5. Dauphin
  6. Agincourt
  7. Vile
  8. Burgundians
  9. Rheims
  10. Orleans

Tuesday - Read John 11 then determine who said each of the following quotes
Wednesday/ Thursday  -Read the scriptures from our "I Am" worksheet and discover each of the statements and their preceding miracle or parable. Create a flipbook to illustrate the connection between some of Jesus miracles and and his "I Am" statements.

Monday - Go over Chapter 16 mistakes and corrections. Create flip book for tenses in verb conjugation
Friday - Introduction to Chapter 17, read page 105-106, complete page 107 in workbook

Math for Week of May 2-6, 2016

Monday- Lesson 5-5 Connecting Fraction -Of Problems to Multiplication.  Homework Math Box 5-5 p. 168

Tuesday- Lesson 5-6 Multiplication of Fractions and Whole Numbers.  Homework Math Box 5-6 p. 172

Wednesday- Lesson 5-7 Fraction of Fractions.  No Homework

Thursday- Lesson 5-8 Area Models for Fraction Multiplication.  Home work Math Box 5-8 p. 178

Friday- Ms. Holbrook Out- Math Games/ Activity Sheets

Multiplication of Fractions

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Biology April 25 - 29, 2016

This week in Biology you will present your biomes project!  I know that you have been working hard doing research and creating a display.  Please make sure that you bring everything required for the project on Monday; late projects will lose 10 points each day until brought in.  We will "draw numbers" for presentation order.  Later this week we will complete characteristics of vertebrates (amphibians, fish, reptiles, birds, mammals).  Next week we will start learning about the human body.

Friday, April 22, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: April 25-29

REMINDER: We will depart on Tuesday for our field trip at 7:30 A.M., please have your child bring an umbrella in case of weather. Bring the items below:

  • walking shoes
  • money
  • backpack
  • sack lunch
  • water bottle

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, May 3rd
John 11:25-26
 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live,  and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Monday - Read about Robin Hood in our Story of the World books, discuss with Ms. Owen, then 3 volunteers will verbally summarize Richard the Lionhearted, John Lackland and the Magna Carta for the teacher in front of the class.
Tuesday - FIELD TRIP
Wednesday -Students will create a Magna Carta for their bedroom. The teacher will remind the students this document is a listing of laws for other people but they have to follow the law as well.
Thursday -Students create aged paper to put their Magna Carta on, they will dye their paper with hot tea. After dying their paper, students will read their introduction to the 100 Years War, Black Death and Joan of Arc
Friday -Students will write out their Magna Carta on their aged paper and seal it with a wax seal. Students will then read Chapter 26 from Story of the World, “Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt”  and answer the chapter questions.
Monday - Complete Hobbit Packet over Chapter 16-19
Tuesday - FIELD TRIP
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Hobbit Character descriptions and illustrations
Friday - Hobbit Character descriptions and illustrations

Spelling for this week:

Tuesday - Death of John the Baptist, reading card and corresponding worksheet (will be made up on Wednesday for the 4th graders)
Wednesday - Read in our bibles Matthew 14:1-12 and complete the crossword
Thursday - Lazarus raised from the dead, reading card and corresponding worksheet

Monday - Chapter 16 Quiz
Friday - We will check our translations on the back of Chapter 16 and begin our introduction to Chapter 17

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Math for Week of April 25- 29, 2016

This weekend the students are doing Test Corrections.  If they made below 80 on their test, they HAVE to do Test Corrections to bring up their grade.  If they made an 80 or above, they CAN do Test Corrections to bring up their grade.  Test Corrections HAVE to be done on a separate piece of notebook paper- not their test.  The number for the problem they are correcting should correspond to the number of the problem on their test.

Monday- Lesson 5-1 Using Equivalent Fractions to Find Common Denominators
Homework- Math Box 5-1

Tuesday- Lesson 5-2 More Strategies for Finding Common Denominators
Homework- Math Box 5-2

Wednesday- Lesson 5-3 Addition of Fractions and Mixed Numbers
No Homework

Thursday- Lesson 5-4 Subtraction of Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Homework- Math Box 5-4

Friday- Lesson 5-5 Connecting Fraction of Problems to Multiplication
No Homework

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Math for Week of April 18-22, 2016

Monday- Complete Study Guide for Test on Unit 4

Tuesday- Test on Unit 4

Wednesday- Go over test

Thursday- Lesson 5-1 Using Equivalent fractions to Find common Denominators Math Book p. 154-155
Homework Math Box 5-1

Friday- Lesson 5-2 More Strategies for Finding Common Denominators  Math Book p. 160- 162
No Homework on Friday

Friday, April 15, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: April 18-22

REMINDER: Trash to Treasure projects for our Earth Day assembly are due this coming Thursday, April 21st. 

Memory Verse: Recite on April 26th
Matthew 10:7-8
 As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give without payment.

Monday - The Magna Carta, reading card and worksheet
Tuesday - Assembly in Activity Center
Thursday - Magna Carta, reading and questions from Story of the World
Friday - Read through portions of the Magna Carta and then create your own letter to the Pope as if you are a Baron who has suffered under Prince John.

Monday - Read Chapter 16 at home
Tuesday - Read Chapter 17 at home
Thursday - Discussion and illustrations from chapters 16-17
Friday - Begin work on Chapters 16-19 vocabulary and comprehension

Spelling for this week:

Tuesday- Recite Matthew 5:13, create the Sermon on the Mount foldable we didn't get to on Friday
Wednesday - Apostles sent out, reading card and corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Read Matthew 10:5-15 and complete the "jumble" worksheet

Monday - Chapter 16 Video, read pages 97-100, complete page 101
Friday -  We will check our work and make corrections, complete page 102

ELA April 18-22

This week we are wrapping up the eight parts of the speech with interjections. We are going to have a quiz on Friday and review on Thursday. Also, we are going to go over how to correctly use commas.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Lambden Brown

Sunday, April 10, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: Apr 11-15

Memory Verse: Recite on Tuesday, April 19th
Matthew 5:13
“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot."

Monday -We will go back over our introduction to the Crusades that we discussed and learned about before Testing week. Then you will have a short reading on the Children's Crusade and write a postcard home to mom and dad describing what this journey is like from a childrens point of view. 
Tuesday -Story of the World, A Command from the Pope
Wednesday - Story of the World, Recapturing Jerusalem
Thursday -Story of the World, Saladin and El Cid
Friday -Complete the comprehension questions with your Story of the World reading. 

We will be reading (or rereading for some) Chapters 13-15 together in class this week. Complete the packet of vocabulary and comprehension questions for these chapters. 

Spelling for this week

Tuesday- Sermon on the Mount, reading cards and corresponding worksheet 
Wednesday- Read the scripture for Sermon on the Mount and match the best summary for each passage.
Thursday- Sermon on the Mount foldable project

Monday - Chapter 15 Quiz
Friday -Chapter 16 introduction and activity page

Biology April 11-15, 2016

This week in Biology we will learn about Vertebrates and we will review the classification system to see where vertebrates fit in:
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom Animal
Phylum: Vertebrate
Classes: amphibian,fish, reptile,bird, mammal

We will  examine and dissect a frog this week.  Remember that your biome project is due on Monday, April 25!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Math for Week of April 11- 15, 2016

Monday Review Skills Coordinate Grids
Tuesday- Lesson 4-12 Decimal Addition Algorithms

Wednesday- Lesson 4-13 Decimal Subtraction Algorithms

Thursday- Lesson 4-14
Friday- Lesson 4-15
Decimal Addition

Thursday, April 7, 2016

ELA April 11-15

This week we will be covering prepositions, adverbs, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and correlative conjunctions.

Just a few reminders:

April 11th-15th: Book Fair
April 15th: Grandparents Day
April 22nd: Arbor/Earth Day Celebration

Have a wonderful time on the field trip tomorrow!

Mrs. Lambden Brown

Sunday, April 3, 2016

History, Literature, Bible and Latin: April 4-8


  • Please have Peaceable Kingdom Permission slips for me this Monday!
  • Let me know which parents can drive
  • No Memory Verse
Testing this week will take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 
Peaceable Kingdom - Friday
The Crusades, we will read our introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet. We will also have a short lesson on a Medieval feast and "Sitting by the Salt" in preparation for our Medieval feast coming up next week. 

You were supposed to have read Chapter 12 of the Hobbit this weekend. If you forgot please do so Monday evening. Take your Hobbit book with you during testing so you can read Chapters 13-15 for the rest of the week. 

No bible as we will be testing during this time this week. 

We will review chapter 15 grammar and vocabulary in class on Monday

Biology April 4 - 8, 2016

This week our school is testing and going to Peaceable Kingdom, so we will only have Monday for Biology class.  We will identify food chains and food webs.

You have been assigned a Biomes project and you have received a rubric that explains expectations.  We will not use class time to research (but you did get started last week) - and you are welcome to check out books from me.  Continue your own research at home using books or internet sources.  Part of the project is a diorama or poster, and requirements are stated on the rubric.

The completed project is due April 25.  I can't wait to see your representations of the fascinating biomes around the Earth!

Friday, April 1, 2016

April 4--8

This week we will be reviewing for the standardized test. Make sure you get plenty of sleep this week!

Good luck on your test!!

Mrs. Lambden Brown