Friday, April 29, 2016

History, Literature, Bible, Latin: May 2-6

LAST Memory Verse: Recite on 10th
John 14:6-7
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

Monday - Map Work, following the instructions you will be creating a map for England after the Norman conquest,King Richard and the Crusades, and  Europe and the spread of the Plague
Tuesday - Read Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt from Story of the World and complete the questions.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Play the game Bowl for the Crown
Friday - Read Joan of Arc from Story of the World and complete the questions.

Monday -  Write our opening for the Hobbit News Cast and Jingle for your station, station name and Names of newscasters
Tuesday- Split class in two teams, write top stories about encountering Gollum and Smaug
Wednesday -Chapel
Thursday -Split Class into two teams, finish work on top stories, creating pictures to show the audience and interview with characters from these two stories
Friday - Work on secondary stories

Spelling this Week:

  1. Europe
  2. Plague
  3. Merchant
  4. Quarrel
  5. Dauphin
  6. Agincourt
  7. Vile
  8. Burgundians
  9. Rheims
  10. Orleans

Tuesday - Read John 11 then determine who said each of the following quotes
Wednesday/ Thursday  -Read the scriptures from our "I Am" worksheet and discover each of the statements and their preceding miracle or parable. Create a flipbook to illustrate the connection between some of Jesus miracles and and his "I Am" statements.

Monday - Go over Chapter 16 mistakes and corrections. Create flip book for tenses in verb conjugation
Friday - Introduction to Chapter 17, read page 105-106, complete page 107 in workbook

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