Friday, November 13, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Nov. 16-20

No Memory Verse for Next Week!!!

Monday - St. Jerome, Chalcedon, and St. Benedict Quiz
Tuesday - We will be reading more on Monasticism and how it functioned in the Middle Ages. 
Wednesday - The Lords Prayer in Illuminated manuscript. We will all be creating our own Lords Prayer in Latin and I will provide you with paper and paints so you can make it as beautiful as the examples we have seen in my book. 
Thursday - Lords Prayer project
Friday - Create head dresses for our Feast

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Pilgrimage, Gout, Laxative, Foreknowledge, Cloistered, Apoplexy, Loathsome, Nag (noun), Instinctively, Distaff
Tuesday - We will read "The Pardoner's Tale" in class together and have discussion time from your Week 2 packet on Canterbury Tales that I will provide for you. 
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - We will be working on creating place mats for our feast on Friday. 
Friday - Answer the comprehension questions for "The Pardoner's Tale" 

Tuesday- Recite memory verse: Luke 2:49-50
We will then review for Jesus as a Boy Quiz on Thursday
Wednesday - Bible Jeopardy
Thursday Jesus as a Boy Quiz

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