Sunday, November 1, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Nov. 2-6

Memory Verse: Recite on Nov. 10th
Luke 2:46-47
After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Monday  Project 2, St. Jerome Art Study, you will be looking up information as to why St. Jerome is often depicted with a skull and/or a lion in paintings and writing 2 paragraphs explaining why.
Tuesday - Review for St. Jerome Quiz
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - St. Jerome Quiz
Friday - Students will have a reading about the Council of Nicea and then read their introduction card on the Council of Chalcedon and complete the corresponding worksheet.

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Astonishment, Modestly, Courteous, Reverence, Entreated, Twilight, Glittering, 
Precious, Grappling, Twain, Abide, Bestowed
We will read chapters 9-10 and then you will complete your last set of comprehension questions. 
Tuesday - Students will create a character analysis from our Beowulf story and then draw an illustration of their favorite scene from this book.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - We will create a plot pyramid based upon the information we have collected and remember from this story.
Friday - Plot pyramid on Beowulf continued.

Spelling for this week:
  1. Goaded
  2. Blithe
  3. Durst
  4. Lair
  5. Direful
  6. Turgid
  7. Sinews
  8. Liege
  9. Baleful
  10. Laved

Tuesday - Recite memory verse: Matthew 2:14-15
Flight to Egypt Bible Reading, we will read Matthew 2:13-23 and complete the corresponding worksheet about fulfilled prophecies.
Wednesday - We will be creating a timeline based on all our lessons thus far showing the Old Testament prophecies that have been fulfilled in the coming of Emmanuel (God with us).
Thursday - Flight to Egypt Review

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