Friday, November 6, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Nov. 9-13

Memory Verse: Recite on Nov. 17th
Luke 2:49-50
He said to them, “Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” But they did not understand what he said to them.

Monday - Council of Chalcedon, we will be discussing the 4 ecumenical councils that met during this time to establish what the church believed and would teach and we will create banners stating what each council established.
Tuesday- St. Benedict and Monasticism, we will read our introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - I will give you a review packet over St. Jerome, Chalcedon and St. Benedict. You will work on filling in the answers to help you study.
Thursday - Study and History Jeopardy
Friday - Jerome, Chalcedon and Benedict Test

Monday - Spelling Quiz - Goaded, Blithe, Durst, Lair, Direful, Turgid, Sinews, Liege, Baleful, Laved
Canterbury Tales power-point presentation. We will learn about the the author, Geoffrey Chaucer and a little more about the background of these stories. You will also get a copy of the first 18 stanza's of this book to memorize as a class. I will read it to you in old English and you will be memorizing modern English.
Tuesday- Read the "Nun's Priest's Tale" on pages 26-32
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Class discussion of this story, fill in the characters we have met on a chart I will give you and describe what we know about them.
Friday - Comprehension Questions for "Nun's Priest's Tale"

Spelling Words for this week:
Pilgrimage, Gout, Laxative, Foreknowledge, Cloistered, Apoplexy, Loathsome, Nag (noun), Instinctively, Distaff.

Tuesday - Recite Memory Verse: Luke 2:46-47, Flight to Egypt Quiz
Wednesday - Jesus as a Boy, read the introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Bible reading, we will read Luke 2:39-52 and put events listed on our worksheet in order according to when they occurred.

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