Saturday, December 12, 2015

Math for Week of December 14-18, 2015

In Math we will practice our skills by play math games and problem solving games.


                       Read My Mind!

Friday, December 11, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Dec. 14 - 18

No Memory Verse - Merry Christmas!!!

Monday - Justinian Maps, before and after the fall of the Western Empire
Tuesday - Charles Martel, Pepin the Short and Charlemagne, read intro card and complete corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - Summarize a reading about Charles Martel
Thursday - Summarize a reading about Pepin the Short
Friday - Christmas Party

Spelling Quiz Monday!
We will use our literature this time to write our plays based on our favorite Canterbury Tale.

Create our mobiles from the pictures we turned in last week
Bible Jeopardy

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Math For Week of December 7-11, 2015

In Math This week we will be working with fractions and mixed numbers.  We will on

Monday- rename mixed numbers and improper fractions

Tuesday- add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers

Wednesday- add fractions with unlike denominators

Thursday- play Fraction Capture

Friday- solve fraction number stories

                                                       Image result for addition of fractions

Friday, December 4, 2015

Lingua Latina: Dec. 7-11

Monday - Intro to Chapter 8, we will read our grammar page together and overview the 2nd Declension family for Neuter Nouns. Complete page 47 for homework.
Friday - Check our homework on page 47 for corrections and play the Latin Vocabulary Card Game.

2nd Declension Neuter Chant


-um = noun

-i = of the noun

-orum = of the nouns
-o = to/for the noun

-is = to/for the nouns
-um = the noun

-a = the nouns
-o = by/with/from the 
-is=by/with/from the nouns

History, Literature, Bible: Dec. 7-11

Memory Verse: Recite on Dec. 15th
Matthew 3:11
“I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."

Monday - Justinian the Great, introduction card and corresponding worksheet
Tuesday - Reading and discussion about Justinian's relationship with the barbarians
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday -We will read about the Byzantine Empire and the creation of the Byzantine Church
Friday - Create a mosaic tile and discuss the art of the Byzantine style

Monday - Spelling Quiz! Turn in your "Wife of Bath's Tale" comprehension question
Tuesday - Read "The Franklin's Prologue"
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Work on "The Franklin's Prologue" comprehension questions.
Friday -Work on character descriptions from the characters we have read about so far. Discuss the various sins and worldly characteristics we see in each story.

Spelling this week:

Tuesday - Jesus as a Boy and Ministry of John TEST, Recite Memory Verse Matthew 3:16-17
Wednesday - Baptism of Jesus, read introduction card and complete corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Reading different accounts of Jesus baptism from the bible, we will create a mobile illustrating different things that are mentioned.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lingua Latina: Dec. 4th

We reviewed over chapter 7 together in class on Monday, please make sure you study for your quiz on Friday. Go over you "sum/esse" chant. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Nov. 30-Dec.4

Memory Verse: Recite on Dec. 8th, Tuesday
Matthew 3:16-17
And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.  And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”

Monday - Wednesday: We will dedicate these three days to finishing our illuminated manuscript of the Pater Noster.
Thursday - Review what we remember about our lesson on St. Benedict and Monasticism. We will then read more about Monasticism and create a flow chart.
Friday - St. Benedict Review

Thursday - We will read "The Wife of Bath's Tale" and discuss the wife's opinions on what she thinks a good marriage should be.
Friday - Complete the Comprehension questions for this tale.

Spelling this week:

Tuesday - Ministry of John the Baptist - reading card and review what we discuss before break then read from the bible Matthew 3 and John 1 and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - Symbolism in art, on the worksheet there is a picture of John baptizing Jesus, you will find the hidden pictures within and describe how it is related to the lesson.
Thursday - Review for Jesus as a Boy and John the Baptist Quiz

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Biology Mrs. Carroll November 30 - December 4, 2015

This week we will complete our study of Kingdom Protista by creating a powerpoint presentation.  You will work as teams of two and we will decide together on the rubric and timeline.  We will also take a look at cells using our microscopes - we will make slides of onion skin as well as your own cheek scraping.  What are your predictions???

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Math for Week of November 30- December 4, 2015

In Math this week we will continue to study fractions. On 

Monday- Lesson 3-4- Fractions on a Number Line
Tuesday- Lesson 3-5- Game Strategies Day One
Wednesday- Lesson 3-5 Game Strategies Day Two
Thursday- Lesson 3-6 Fractions Estimation with Number Sense
Friday- Lesson 3-7- Fraction Estimation with Benchmarks

Monday, November 16, 2015

Biology November 16 - 29, 2015

Wow!  Cool!  Awesome!  Words just don't begin to describe the protists we are observing under the microscopes!  This week we continue to learn about Protista Kingdom - plant-like protists  and fungus-like protists.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Math For Week of November 16-20, 2015

This week in Math we will be working with fractions.

Monday- Connecting Fractions and Division Part 1
Tuesday- Connecting Fractions and Division, Part 2
Wednesday- Application: Interpreting Remainders
Thursday- Fraction Estimation with Number Sense

If at any time you need to email me, please use my school email,  I rarely check my google email.   You may also text me at 254-760-2492- this is the fastest way of communication for me.

Thank you,
Lanelle Holbrook

Friday, November 13, 2015

Lingua Latina: Nov. 16-20

Monday - Chapter 7 Workbook, page 41 is due to be completed, we will check our work and make corrections. We will then complete our derivative page and I will have a translation for you to do.

Study your new Conjugation Chant for your irregular verb Sum, Esse

History, Literature, Bible: Nov. 16-20

No Memory Verse for Next Week!!!

Monday - St. Jerome, Chalcedon, and St. Benedict Quiz
Tuesday - We will be reading more on Monasticism and how it functioned in the Middle Ages. 
Wednesday - The Lords Prayer in Illuminated manuscript. We will all be creating our own Lords Prayer in Latin and I will provide you with paper and paints so you can make it as beautiful as the examples we have seen in my book. 
Thursday - Lords Prayer project
Friday - Create head dresses for our Feast

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Pilgrimage, Gout, Laxative, Foreknowledge, Cloistered, Apoplexy, Loathsome, Nag (noun), Instinctively, Distaff
Tuesday - We will read "The Pardoner's Tale" in class together and have discussion time from your Week 2 packet on Canterbury Tales that I will provide for you. 
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - We will be working on creating place mats for our feast on Friday. 
Friday - Answer the comprehension questions for "The Pardoner's Tale" 

Tuesday- Recite memory verse: Luke 2:49-50
We will then review for Jesus as a Boy Quiz on Thursday
Wednesday - Bible Jeopardy
Thursday Jesus as a Boy Quiz

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November Birthdays

We have two students in 4th grade with birthdays this month. The other students shared some nice comments about them.

"Speedy" is funny, confident, tall, fast, has beautiful long hair, and smells like candy. 

"Pom-Pom" is very smart, pretty, funny, is a calm presence in our class, has a pretty smile, and her breath always smells good. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Math for Week of November 9-13, 2015

Before we move on in our math book, we are going to spend more time on long division.  If your child is still struggling with their multiplication facts, please help them at home.  Many of the children have to think too long about the facts and then they forget what step in the division process they are on.  Several of the students that I thought would not have trouble with division are struggling.  If you could go over multiplication facts every day, this will help your child.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Lingua Latina: Nov. 9-13

Monday: Chapter 6 Quiz

Friday : We will discuss our quizzes and any mistakes we made and then watch our Chapter 7 introduction video. 

Don't forget to study your 2nd Declension Endings!
-us = noun
-i = of the noun
-orum = of the nouns
-o = to/for the noun
-is = to/for the nouns
-um = the noun
-os = the nouns
-o = by/with/from the noun
-is=by/with/from the nouns

History, Literature, Bible: Nov. 9-13

Memory Verse: Recite on Nov. 17th
Luke 2:49-50
He said to them, “Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” But they did not understand what he said to them.

Monday - Council of Chalcedon, we will be discussing the 4 ecumenical councils that met during this time to establish what the church believed and would teach and we will create banners stating what each council established.
Tuesday- St. Benedict and Monasticism, we will read our introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - I will give you a review packet over St. Jerome, Chalcedon and St. Benedict. You will work on filling in the answers to help you study.
Thursday - Study and History Jeopardy
Friday - Jerome, Chalcedon and Benedict Test

Monday - Spelling Quiz - Goaded, Blithe, Durst, Lair, Direful, Turgid, Sinews, Liege, Baleful, Laved
Canterbury Tales power-point presentation. We will learn about the the author, Geoffrey Chaucer and a little more about the background of these stories. You will also get a copy of the first 18 stanza's of this book to memorize as a class. I will read it to you in old English and you will be memorizing modern English.
Tuesday- Read the "Nun's Priest's Tale" on pages 26-32
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Class discussion of this story, fill in the characters we have met on a chart I will give you and describe what we know about them.
Friday - Comprehension Questions for "Nun's Priest's Tale"

Spelling Words for this week:
Pilgrimage, Gout, Laxative, Foreknowledge, Cloistered, Apoplexy, Loathsome, Nag (noun), Instinctively, Distaff.

Tuesday - Recite Memory Verse: Luke 2:46-47, Flight to Egypt Quiz
Wednesday - Jesus as a Boy, read the introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Bible reading, we will read Luke 2:39-52 and put events listed on our worksheet in order according to when they occurred.

Monday, November 2, 2015

November Events

Is it really November already? Amazing!

Food Drive 
This helps stock the shelves of food pantries here in Central Texas. 

4th graders are“WHITE” FOOD (i.e.Pasta, rice,cereals, pancake mixes, canned/boxed potatoes)

There are boxes at the front of the school, by the office where we can drop off our foods. We need these turned in by Tuesday, November 17th. 

Fire Up Facebook

For the month of November, we are firing up our Facebook page.  We will have a contest and a gift giveaway at the end of the month. The gift giveaway will be posted in November.   Here is how you can earn points to win the contest.Each point that you earn will go into a drawing for a giveaway prize.  Winner will be announced on Dec. 4th
Every time you    something, you earn 1 pt. (One per comment)

When you  Image result for facebook comments images on a post, you earn 2 pts.

Every time you a post, you will earn 5 pts.
When you you earn 10 pts.

Operation Christmas Child 

Your child should have gotten home this afternoon with their OCC box to stuff with wonderful gifts for a child from somewhere around the world. 

Please make sure you read the information on what is appropriate for the boxes and how to wrap certain items. 
For example: Soap needs to be double bagged in sandwich bags so if you put any hard candy in the box it will not reach its destination tasting like Ivory soap. 

Box Tops for Education

The school accepts box tops year round, so if you did not get any turned in to win the popcorn party, you can still gather them and help to contribute to our school in this way. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Biology November 2-6, 2015

This week we will continue working with microscopes.  We will also examine the potato slices and look at samples from each under the microscope.  Gross yet fascinating!

History, Literature, Bible: Nov. 2-6

Memory Verse: Recite on Nov. 10th
Luke 2:46-47
After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Monday  Project 2, St. Jerome Art Study, you will be looking up information as to why St. Jerome is often depicted with a skull and/or a lion in paintings and writing 2 paragraphs explaining why.
Tuesday - Review for St. Jerome Quiz
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - St. Jerome Quiz
Friday - Students will have a reading about the Council of Nicea and then read their introduction card on the Council of Chalcedon and complete the corresponding worksheet.

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Astonishment, Modestly, Courteous, Reverence, Entreated, Twilight, Glittering, 
Precious, Grappling, Twain, Abide, Bestowed
We will read chapters 9-10 and then you will complete your last set of comprehension questions. 
Tuesday - Students will create a character analysis from our Beowulf story and then draw an illustration of their favorite scene from this book.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - We will create a plot pyramid based upon the information we have collected and remember from this story.
Friday - Plot pyramid on Beowulf continued.

Spelling for this week:
  1. Goaded
  2. Blithe
  3. Durst
  4. Lair
  5. Direful
  6. Turgid
  7. Sinews
  8. Liege
  9. Baleful
  10. Laved

Tuesday - Recite memory verse: Matthew 2:14-15
Flight to Egypt Bible Reading, we will read Matthew 2:13-23 and complete the corresponding worksheet about fulfilled prophecies.
Wednesday - We will be creating a timeline based on all our lessons thus far showing the Old Testament prophecies that have been fulfilled in the coming of Emmanuel (God with us).
Thursday - Flight to Egypt Review

Math for Week of November 2-6, 2015

This week in Math we will do an experiment to see how long it will take to tap a desk one million times.  What would be your guess?  10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour?

We will also review dividing (traditional method)

And we will learn how to interpret remainders when we divide-

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Biology October 26-30, 2015

It is Microscope Week in Biology!  We will continue to learn about the parts and proper use.  The first lab will be the "Enormous E."  This will be a short week (field trip on Tuesday and Canterbury Faire on Friday) so hopefully we will reach our goals.  We will keep checking on the potato slices and record observations of  bacteria/mold growth!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Math for Week of October 26-30, 2015


Last week in math we worked on multiplication.  Most of the children are getting faster, so some of them are improving very slowly.  Please keep working with them at home.  Multiplication is more difficult for some children, but they need to have this skill for all the other skills to come.

This week we will use powers of 10 to solve multiplication problems and convert between the US customary system.



Friday, October 23, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 26-30

Memory Verse: Recite on November 3rd
Matthew 2:14-15
Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet, “Out of Egypt I have called my son.”

Monday - We ARE going to finish this Viking unit, creating the Thor's hammer, and learning about Futhark the Viking rune alphabet
Tuesday - St. Jerome Completes the Vulgate, we will read from our introduction cards and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - Project 2, St. Jerome Art Study, you will be looking up information as to why St. Jerome is often depicted with a skull and/or a lion in paintings and writing 2 paragraphs explaining why.
Thursday - Review for St. Jerome quiz for next Monday.

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Aloft, Champion, Sorrowful, Perchance, Renowned, Ogre, Foolhardy, Sooth, Warrior, Triumph, Rein, Henceforth
Beowulf, read chapter 7-8 in your books
Tuesday -Chapters 5-8 comprehension questions
Wednesday - Read Chapters 9-10
Thursday - Discussion from this week's chapters readings and then complete Chapter 9-10 comprehension

Spelling for the week of November 2nd
1.       Astonishment
2.       Modestly
3.       Courteous
4.       Reverence
5.       Entreated
6.       Twilight
7.       Glittering
8.       Precious
9.       Grappling
10.   Twain
11.   Abide
12.   Bestowed

Tuesday - Recite memory verse: Matthew 2:9-10
Visit of the Magi Review
Wednesday - Visit of the Magi Quiz
Thursday - Flight to Egypt, we will read our introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet.