Friday, October 23, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 26-30

Memory Verse: Recite on November 3rd
Matthew 2:14-15
Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet, “Out of Egypt I have called my son.”

Monday - We ARE going to finish this Viking unit, creating the Thor's hammer, and learning about Futhark the Viking rune alphabet
Tuesday - St. Jerome Completes the Vulgate, we will read from our introduction cards and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - Project 2, St. Jerome Art Study, you will be looking up information as to why St. Jerome is often depicted with a skull and/or a lion in paintings and writing 2 paragraphs explaining why.
Thursday - Review for St. Jerome quiz for next Monday.

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Aloft, Champion, Sorrowful, Perchance, Renowned, Ogre, Foolhardy, Sooth, Warrior, Triumph, Rein, Henceforth
Beowulf, read chapter 7-8 in your books
Tuesday -Chapters 5-8 comprehension questions
Wednesday - Read Chapters 9-10
Thursday - Discussion from this week's chapters readings and then complete Chapter 9-10 comprehension

Spelling for the week of November 2nd
1.       Astonishment
2.       Modestly
3.       Courteous
4.       Reverence
5.       Entreated
6.       Twilight
7.       Glittering
8.       Precious
9.       Grappling
10.   Twain
11.   Abide
12.   Bestowed

Tuesday - Recite memory verse: Matthew 2:9-10
Visit of the Magi Review
Wednesday - Visit of the Magi Quiz
Thursday - Flight to Egypt, we will read our introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet.

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