Monday, August 31, 2015

Ms. Lambden's Class Preposition Test Friday, Sept. 4

Today you received a list of prepositions to the tune of "Yankee Doodle". The prepositions should be memorized by Friday, September 4th. This will be a test grade. We will go over the prepositions everyday in class. It is in your best benefit to practice at home. 


Ms. Lambden

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Math for Week of August 31- September 4, 2015

We made it through the first full week of school!  Now the rest will be easy!

This week in Math we will

Monday- Lesson 1-4 Tiling Strategy, Math Box 1-4

Tuesday- Lesson 1-5 Introduction to Volume, Math Box 1-5

Wednesday- Lesson 1-5 Introduction to Volume, Math Box 1-5

Thursday- Lesson 1-6 Exploring Nonstandard Volume Units, Math Box 1-6

Friday- Lesson 1-6 Exploring Nonstandard Volume Units, Math Box 1-6

Friday, August 28, 2015

Biology - August 31 - September 4, 2015

Is it alive???   We will learn about the characteristics that all living things have in common from the microscopic creature to the largest animal.  Vocabulary for the week:  cell, ingestion, digestion, respiration, excretion, growth, life cycle, movement, reproduce, environment.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ms. Lambden's Class 8/31-9/4

Last week we took a benchmark to see what concepts we needed to review from the previous year. This week we will be reviewing concepts that have not been mastered. We will be reviewing nouns, pronouns, article adjectives, and possessive adjectives.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Ms. Lambden

Lingua Latina: Aug.31-Sept. 4

This week in Latin we will go over any corrections or concepts we did not understand from Chapter 1. Then we will begin Chapter 2 by watching our introduction video and going over our new vocabulary. Complete page 13 in your books for homework. 

Things to remember:

CONJUGATE - is for VERBS (action words) and we conjugate when we list verbs in all their forms with their endings.

AMO chant
S -You
T- He/She/It

TIS - You All (Y'all)
NT- They

History, Literature, Bible: Aug. 31 - Sept 4

Spelling TEST Monday!!!

History: Barbarian Invasion and Vikings
Monday - Read our introduction to Barbarian Invasion and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Tuesday - We will have a reading telling us the background of the Invasions, we will then compare the life of a Barbarian to that of a Roman.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Alaric the Visigoth reading and comprehension worksheet.

Friday - Attila the Hun reading and comprehension worksheet.

Literature: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Monday - We will take our spelling quiz. You are to read Chapters 5 through 6 in the evening.
Tuesday - We will discuss what new things we have discovered from chapters 5-6. Read chapter 7 together as a class.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - You will write a short summary for me of Chapter 5-7.  Read chapter 8 in the evening.
Friday - We will complete Chapters 5 through 8 comprehension question.

Bible: Gabriel Tells Mary of the Incarnation
Tuesday - We will read from our introduction cards and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - Read from our bibles Luke 1:26-56 and complete a crossword finding the people of this passage and different descriptive words used throughout.
Thursday - Bible art study, we will look at the art work of Fra Angelico's and see what we can find represented in the picture and how it retells the story to the viewer.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Great News!

Dear Parents,

I have been so busy; I have not had a chance to write to you about our new math curriculum being used in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades.  We are really excited to be able to offer this program, Everyday Mathematics.  When I came to Christ Church School several years ago, we were using Saxon Math through 5th grade.  Saxon Math does not use the higher level thinking skills that is so important for the upper grades and the upper math courses.  It is very good for the lower grades because of its repetition of skills; however we found that we needed a more rigorous math curriculum that would transition and incorporate into the intermediate grades.  After thinking for two years about what we could do to get more “higher level thinking” skills and problem solving in our math program, we decided to implement Everyday Mathematics.  We chose this curriculum because it fits into our Classical Education approach better than other programs by incorporating both the repetition or spiral teaching of math facts and the problem solving and critical thinking crucial to the Classical approach.  We are still going to use the traditional way of solving math problems, but we will also teach alternative methods to help students that struggle with the traditional methods.  We will also continue the CCS approach of using one grade level acceleration for our students.  I am really excited to implement this program because I was one of the first teachers to use it in TISD.  After implementing this program, our math scores for the district rose every year.  I am confident that it will do the same for Christ Church School.  We want the best for our students and I believe that can be achieved with Everyday Mathematics. 

Be Blessed,

Lanelle Holbrook

Monday, August 24, 2015

Vocabulary Quiz on Friday

1.  brain stem
2.  cerebellum
3.  cerebrum
4.  metacognition
5.  mass
6.  gram
7. kilogram
8.  triple beam balance
9.  metric measurement

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Math for Week of August 24-28

This week in Math we will explore finding area.  On:

Monday- Math Box 1-2
Tuesday- Math Box 1-3
Wednesday- Math Box 1-3
Thursday- Math Box 1-4
Friday- Math Box 1-5

We are still working to see how fast we can move or if we need to go slower.  This is a new math program and I want to move at a comfortable pace for the children.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

August 24-28, 2015

Great Job, Biologists!  You got your science notebook started so now we are ready to put it to work!  This week we will review and practice the scientific method - we will define important vocabulary about the scientific method then take a test on Friday.  We will also review lab safety and science tools.  Class teams will  conduct an experiment using the triple beam balance.

Friday, August 21, 2015

History, Literature, Bible - Aug. 24-28

We are off to a great start 4th graders!!! You are such a great group of students, and I love seeing those hands fly up during discussion time in class. I'm so excited to pump you full of nerdy stuff.

This week in...

St. Augustine
Monday - we will be reading some more about St. Augustine from our "Story of the World" books this week. I will provide you with questions to answer at the end of our reading.

Tuesday - Without looking back at your "Story of the World" books, I will ask you to write a brief summary of what we have learned from this reading. We will then begin review for your quiz on Friday.

Wednesday - Chapel will eat up some of our time, but I will give you some vocabulary to look up in preparation for Thursdays project.

Thursday - We will be learning how to create key word outline. Reading a paragraph, we will pick out important words that tell the general idea of the reading. So when you glace down at the words, you can retell what we have read in the correct sequence.

Friday- St. Augustine Quiz


REMEMBER: Read 30 minutes each night!

Monday - You will be receiving your reading log, keep this in your blue "Take home/Return" folder you keep in your backpack. We will take our books back out and you will write for me a short summary from Chapter 1 and 2 which you should have re-read over the weekend.  I will then have you form your literature circle that we discussed last week. Read chapter 3 in the evening.

Tuesday - We will practice sequencing Chapter 3's reading and discussing what new things have happened. I will then ask you to speculate/guess what will happen next in the story. Reach Chapter 4 in the evening.

Wednesday - Chapel

Thursday - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapters 1-4 comprehension questions.

Friday - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapters 1-4 Predict, Visualize, Connect and Question.




Tuesday - Make sure all of our "Zecharias Learns of John's Birth" worksheets have been turned in. We will discuss what we have learned so far from our readings. You will then complete "Project 2" worksheet, looking up what the bible says about angels and matching the correct scripture to the correct phrase. 

Wednesday - We will spend our time reviewing for our quiz on Thursday. 

Thursday - Zecharias Learns of John's Birth Quiz

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ms. Lambden's Class 8/24-8/28

We will be working on reviewing previous grammar concepts to prepare for our benchmark on Wednesday and Thursday. We will be reviewing the benchmark on Friday. We will start our cursive handwriting practice on Monday. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Ms. Lambden

Lingua Latina: August 24-28

Some of the students will be coming home with their Primer A books this evening. They need to complete page 5 to be checked for corrections on Tuesday the 25th.

Tuesday: Chapter 1, page 5 completed, we will then complete our Derivative worksheet on page 6 and review our grammar and vocabulary words for the Quiz on Thursday.

Thursday: Chapter 1 Quiz

Sunday, August 16, 2015

4th Grade Weekly Schedules

Each student will receive these weekly schedules in a protective sleeve that they will keep in their binders. I'll post it here for you just in case you would like to know where your child is throughout the day.

4th Grade Monday/Wednesday/Friday
History and Literature
Ms. Boyd’s Room
Mrs. Carroll - Room 2
Ms. Kirk - Gym
11:00 –11:30
 Ms. Boyd - Music Room
Art (Monday and Friday Only)
Mrs. Studinka – Room 1
Bible (Wednesday)
Ms. Boyd’s Room
Parish Hall
12:45 – 2:00
English/Language Arts/Handwriting
Ms. Lambden – Room 11
2:00 – 3:00
Mrs. Holbrook – Room 9

Weekly Class Schedule

4th Grade Tuesday/Thursday
History and Literature
Ms. Boyd’s Room
Mrs. Carroll – Room 2
Mrs. Gorman – Room 12
11:00 –11:30
 Ms. Boyd’s Room
Ms. Boyd’s Room
Parish Hall
12:45 – 2:00
English/Language Arts/Handwriting
Ms. Lambden – Room 11
2:00 – 3:00
Mrs. Holbrook – Room 9

Friday, August 14, 2015

Mrs. Carroll (4/5)

Greetings, Biologists!  I am Sarah Carroll, your Life Science teacher for 4th and 5th grade Life Science teacher this year.  We will be learning about the scientific method, classification, and each of  the kingdoms of living things.  It is a fascinating journey we will be embarking on this year.  And, yes, we will perform dissections!

We will begin this first week by organizing an interactive science notebook,which will be used continually throughout the year.  We will also prepare a science vocabulary notebook (expect a vocabulary quiz every Friday as of August 28!)

I look forward to seeing you in class on Wednesday, August 19 at 9:15-10:15.

4th Grade Math for Week of August 19, 2015

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to the 4th Grade Math Blog.  I am really excited about this year.  I will be teaching 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Math and 5th grade Reading and History.

Let me introduce myself to the parents and students that do not know me.  My name is Lanelle Holbrook.  This is my third year at Christ Church School and have greatly enjoyed each year.  I think we have the best children in Temple at this school!

I taught in the Temple Independent School District for sixteen years, before I retired.  After a couple years of being retired, I missed the children and the fun of the classroom.  So I came back to teaching and have not regretted it at all.  The children keep me young :)!

I am a mother of three children, the grandmother of two children, and the great grandmother of two children also.  I love each of them and can talk to you all day about any of them.  My youngest granddaughter graduated from High School in June, and have taken college classes this summer.  My great grandchildren are 5 years old and 1 year old.  They are precious!

I am excited to learn about you and your family when school begins.

We will begin these first few days with getting to know each other and getting to know the rules and expectations, and for the new students we will take a tour of the school.

I am excited about seeing you on Sunday!

Lanelle Holbroook

Greetings 4th Graders!

Greetings 4th grade students and families. My name is Ms. Boyd, and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. I am so excited to work with you on History, Literature, and Bible. I look forward to meeting you all this coming Sunday at the Open House and CCS Fish Fry.

The first week of school we will be going over classroom procedures and rules, learning how to use your binders for my classes and introductions to what we will be exploring this year.

I am going to ask your flexibility this year as I am not only your teacher, but the music and Latin teacher, as well as chapel coordinator. I believe we will have a very successful and fun year though.

A couple of items to look for that will be coming home with your student:

  • Beginning of School packet to be picked up on Sunday's Open House or first week of school. Please complete the forms and return to me no later than August 27th.
  • Student class schedule. We will be moving around a lot this year, so this is your navigation map. 
  • Take Home/Return folder. This folder will be used for any forms or information parents need to sign or be aware of. It needs to stay in your student back pack and needs to be checked regularly.  
One more note, this blog is not only for assignments, but there will be reminders for events and any notes that I upload to drop box or google documents. I might even upload a video every once in a while. So please make it a regular habit of checking the blog throughout the week. 

See you on Sunday. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ms. Lambden's Class

Hi! I'm Ms. Lambden and I will be your Grammar and Writing teacher this year! I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. This week we will be getting to know one another, getting our books, and reviewing a few concepts from last year. I'm excited to see everyone at the Open House and Fish Fry on Sunday! 

See you soon!

Ms. Lambden 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Welcome to the Fourth Grade teachers blog at Christ Church School. Teachers will be posting regularly so that students, parents, and other interested persons can stay current on classroom learning activities, assignments, and other relevant information. Please feel free to contact teachers in person at the school, by email, or by telephone by clicking the sites listed in the upper right-hand column of this blog page. If you would like to be notified each time a teacher posts information, please add your email address to the "Follow by Email" widget in the right-hand column. Please notice that all blogs for Grades 2 through 8 can be accessed from this page. We look forward to a blessed, successful year learning together at CCS!