Friday, August 14, 2015

Greetings 4th Graders!

Greetings 4th grade students and families. My name is Ms. Boyd, and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. I am so excited to work with you on History, Literature, and Bible. I look forward to meeting you all this coming Sunday at the Open House and CCS Fish Fry.

The first week of school we will be going over classroom procedures and rules, learning how to use your binders for my classes and introductions to what we will be exploring this year.

I am going to ask your flexibility this year as I am not only your teacher, but the music and Latin teacher, as well as chapel coordinator. I believe we will have a very successful and fun year though.

A couple of items to look for that will be coming home with your student:

  • Beginning of School packet to be picked up on Sunday's Open House or first week of school. Please complete the forms and return to me no later than August 27th.
  • Student class schedule. We will be moving around a lot this year, so this is your navigation map. 
  • Take Home/Return folder. This folder will be used for any forms or information parents need to sign or be aware of. It needs to stay in your student back pack and needs to be checked regularly.  
One more note, this blog is not only for assignments, but there will be reminders for events and any notes that I upload to drop box or google documents. I might even upload a video every once in a while. So please make it a regular habit of checking the blog throughout the week. 

See you on Sunday. :)

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