Friday, August 21, 2015

History, Literature, Bible - Aug. 24-28

We are off to a great start 4th graders!!! You are such a great group of students, and I love seeing those hands fly up during discussion time in class. I'm so excited to pump you full of nerdy stuff.

This week in...

St. Augustine
Monday - we will be reading some more about St. Augustine from our "Story of the World" books this week. I will provide you with questions to answer at the end of our reading.

Tuesday - Without looking back at your "Story of the World" books, I will ask you to write a brief summary of what we have learned from this reading. We will then begin review for your quiz on Friday.

Wednesday - Chapel will eat up some of our time, but I will give you some vocabulary to look up in preparation for Thursdays project.

Thursday - We will be learning how to create key word outline. Reading a paragraph, we will pick out important words that tell the general idea of the reading. So when you glace down at the words, you can retell what we have read in the correct sequence.

Friday- St. Augustine Quiz


REMEMBER: Read 30 minutes each night!

Monday - You will be receiving your reading log, keep this in your blue "Take home/Return" folder you keep in your backpack. We will take our books back out and you will write for me a short summary from Chapter 1 and 2 which you should have re-read over the weekend.  I will then have you form your literature circle that we discussed last week. Read chapter 3 in the evening.

Tuesday - We will practice sequencing Chapter 3's reading and discussing what new things have happened. I will then ask you to speculate/guess what will happen next in the story. Reach Chapter 4 in the evening.

Wednesday - Chapel

Thursday - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapters 1-4 comprehension questions.

Friday - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapters 1-4 Predict, Visualize, Connect and Question.




Tuesday - Make sure all of our "Zecharias Learns of John's Birth" worksheets have been turned in. We will discuss what we have learned so far from our readings. You will then complete "Project 2" worksheet, looking up what the bible says about angels and matching the correct scripture to the correct phrase. 

Wednesday - We will spend our time reviewing for our quiz on Thursday. 

Thursday - Zecharias Learns of John's Birth Quiz

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