Monday, September 28, 2015

Literature Project: Chocolate Room Diorama

Due Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

·       Students will be creating a diorama depicting the chocolate room from Mr. Wonka’s Chocolate factory. We read about this room in chapter 15 of our books, pages 58-73.
·       Students may use their books to help them recall details
·       Diorama may be made of edible or non-edible materials
·       There are 7 elements that must be included:
o   Valley with green meadows
o   Chocolate Waterfall
o   Chocolate River
o   Pipes
o   Trees and Bushes mentioned
o   Flowers mentioned
o   Oompah Loompah’s (no green hair or orange skin)
o   Extra Credit if you can get an Augustus being sucked up a pipe!
·       Elements must be labeled with what it is described as in the book for example: chocolate river or swudge grass of mint
·       Diorama may be made on a presentation board or in a shoe box

·       Students can earn a total of 16 points on this project, the grading rubric is included on the back.

Below is the grading Rubric I will use for these projects. 
The display is attractive and items are very well organized. All items are securely attached. This display is in or on an appropriate container.
The display is attractive and items are very well organized. All items are securely attached.
The diorama shows some attention to construction. The items are somewhat organized.
The display was put together sloppily. Items appear to be just “slapped on”. Pieces are not secured.
Number of Elements
The display has all 7 elements mentioned in the story and in good condition.
The display has 6 elements mentioned in the story and in good condition.
The display has 5 elements mentioned in the story and is in good condition.
The display has 4 or less elements mentioned in the story and is in acceptable condition.
Each element has a small, neat label describing the item.
Each element has a small label describing the item.
Some elements are correctly labeled.
Less than 4 elements labeled correctly.
Participation and Presentation
Student showed great enthusiasm and was able to explain their project in a clear manner. Work was completed on time.
Student showed some enthusiasm and was able to explain their project. Work was completed on time.
Student completed the project and was able to able to explain their project somewhat.
Student did not finish project on time and/or they were not able to explain project.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Biology September 28 - October 2, 2015

Those cell projects were Fabulous!  I am very impressed with your hard work and imagination.  Isn't it amazing that each single cell has all of these structures with specialized functions?

This week we will learn about the Kingdom of Archaebacteria!  These creatures are also called extremophiles that live in very harsh environments.  We will research three different members of this Kingdom and create a PowerPoint for presentation.

prokaryote (organism with no cell nucleus but nuclear material in cytoplasm)
eukaryote (organism with a nucleus)
autotrope (organism that can create its own food)
heterotrope (organism that cannot create its own food)
unicellular (organism made of one cell)
multicellular (organism made of more than one cell)
Kingdom (there are six kingdoms of living things)
taxonomy (classification and naming of organisms)
Carl Linnaeus (the father of taxonomy)
Aristotle (the first to form a classification system)

For Metric Monday, we will measure length in meters, centimeters, and millimeters.

Math for Week of September 28- October 2, 2015

In Math this week we will

Monday- We will complete a Study Guide for Test over Chapter 1

Tuesday- Take Test

Wednesday- Go over Test

Thursday- Lesson 3-1 Understanding Place Value- Math Book 37 & 38, Math Box 2-1

Friday- Lesson 3-1 Understanding Place Value- Math Book 37 & 38, Math Box 2-1

Friday, September 25, 2015

Upcoming Events and Progress Reports

Oct. 2 – Blessing of the pets; parents meet us in the field with your pets at 8:15.

Oct. 4 – Christ Church Sunday; Please have your child here in chapel uniform at 9:30 – 9:45.  Dinner after service; bring your favorite dessert.

Please be on the look out from your child's numerous teachers for progress reports. You should get an email from me this Friday for the classes I teach. -Ms. B.

Lingua Latina: Sept. 28- Oct. 2

Monday : We will go over our Chapter 3 tests and anything that needs attention. We will then be creating our Conjugation and Declension lap-books to keep track of  new material as we come across it in our lessons. Bring colored pencils and scissors.

Friday: We will watch our introduction video to Chapter 4 and you will need to read pages 23-24 and complete page 25 for homework.

History, Literature, and Bible: Sept. 28-Oct. 2

Memory Verse: To be recited on Oct. 6th (Tues.)
Luke 2:30-32

For my eyes have seen your salvation,     which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
    and the glory of your people Israel.

Monday through Friday we will be working on writing our Viking papers. We will discuss how to create detailed support for the facts we have discovered and writing a well structured paragraph. 

Monday - SPELLING Test: Furious, Journey, Yacht, Shalt, Disturb, Basin, Balmy, Wretched, Violently, Scarlet, Despair, Rubbish, Cross, Precipice
Students will read round robin chapters 25 through 27.
Tuesday Going back and re-reading their chapters 25-27 students will complete their comprehension questions.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday and FridayStudents will read chapters 28-30 of their books and then finish their comprehension questions. They will create their library pockets for each character of the book and write down details we have learned about each character to put in a lap-book to go with their presentation to be assigned next week. 

Spelling Words:

Tuesday -Students will pass out their bibles and read from the two gospels narratives of this event from Matt 1:18-24 and Luke 2:1-20. The accounts are different in what they emphasize, the students will write a few sentences about what or who Matthew focuses on the most and then a few sentences on why you think Matthew put more focus on this thing. What fact about Jesus birth was he trying to prove.
WednesdayStudents will pass out their bibles and read the scriptures on the 2nd bible reading page and find the similarities between the two gospel narratives. 
Thursday -We will take our outline of this lesson and create a review sheet to use for study in preparation for the test next Tuesday, October 6th.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Biology September 21 - 25, 2015

On "Metric Monday" we will practice the scientific method and learn how to measure liquid volume.  We will use graduated cylinders, beakers, and pipettes to measure in Liters (L) and milliliters (mL).  We will observe the meniscus and make accurate measurements.

This week in Biology, we will complete a Dichotomous Key.   Last week you were given a bag of assorted items and worked as a team to develop a classification system.  Now you will  take that a step further as you review your system and fine-tune it in a more thorough way.  We will learn about early classification systems by Aristotle and later systems developed by Linnaeus.  This will prepare you to understand the modern classification of living things: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

On Tuesday, you will have a vocabulary test on cells.  Also, this week we will enjoy your cell projects!

Math for September 21-25, 2015


Monday- Playing Prism Pile-up- Math book p. 34 & 35 and Math Box 1-12

Tuesday- Study Guide for Chapter One

Wednesday- Test over Chapter One

Thursday- Go over test

Friday- Lesson 2-1 Understanding Place Value- Math Book, pages 37 & 38, Math Box 2-1

Friday, September 18, 2015

Lingua Latina: Sept. 21-25

Monday -Chapter 3, page 13 is due to me on Monday, completed. We will work on our Derivatives on page 14 together and then study and quiz one another in preparation for our quiz on Friday. 
Friday - Chapter 3 Quiz

Conjugate Verbs
Decline Nouns

Present Tense Verb Endings -Conjugation

1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person

1st Declension Nouns

History, Literature, Bible: Sept. 21-25

Memory Verse: to be recited on Sept. 29th (Tues) 
Luke 2:13-14
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!”

Monday - We will be learning about Viking homes and you will have a worksheet with questions about the presentation. This is in preparation for creating a Turf and Stone Viking house later in the unit. If you see sticks and small stones lying about, collect those for our construction. 
Tuesday - Computer Lab, we will be going to the computer lab where you can google search for more information on your Viking research project. 
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Computer Lab research
Friday - Classroom writing time for taking the information and facts we have collected and starting to plug that into good complete, detailed paragraphs. 

Monday - Spelling Quiz, We will read chapter 21 in class and you will complete your Chapters 18-21 comprehension. 
Tuesday - We will read Chapters 22-24, complete comp. questions.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - You will create a comparison and contrast of Charlie against Violet and Augustus. 
Friday - Create the Charlie, Augustus, and Violet foldables. 


Tuesday - Birth of John the Baptist Quiz, you should have your notes in your take home folder. 
Wednesday- We didn't get around to creating our clay tablets, so this day will be set aside to make these. 
Thursday - Birth of Christ: We will read our introduction card and discuss as a class, then you will complete the corresponding comprehension worksheet. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Math for Week of September 14- 18, 2015

I will be out on Monday, the sub will be Mrs. Owen.  You will  practice your multiplication skills.  She will have you complete an Activity Sheet. You may show your work on the Activity Sheet.  When you finish the Activity Sheet, you will do a Diffy and then you may play Integer War.

When I return on Tuesday we will

Tuesday- Lesson 1-9- Two Formulas for Volume- page 25 & 26 and Math Box 1-9

Wednesday- Lesson 1-9- Two Formulas for Volume- page 25 & 26 and Math Box 1-9

Thursday-Lesson 1-10- Visualizing Volume Units- pages 28-30 and Math Box 1-10

Friday- Lesson 1-11- Volume Exploration- pages 32 & 33 and Math Box 1-11

Friday, September 11, 2015

Biology September 14 - 18, 201

This week we will learn about the plant cell and compare it to the animal cell.  In class, teams will determine how a cell is like a school, airport, mall, or home.  You will identify the structure and function of cell parts and show how these same structures and function exist in real-life scenarios.  It sounds complicated but it is actually a lot of fun once you get the gist of it!  You will then design a  poster to show what you have learned.

Vocabulary (Test on Friday)
cell membrane
cell wall
nuclear membrane (or envelope)
golgi bodies
endoplasmic reticulum

Lingua Latina: Sept 14-13

Have the students use their books and review what we have learned in chapters 1-2. OST chant and the PIPS. Using their guides, have them list the 4 principle (PIPS) parts for all the verbs, then find the stem for those verbs from their infinitive form and conjugate each verb. Review PNT and what each part means. 

Watch Chapter 3 video, read through grammar page 17-18, complete page 19 for homework, due next Tuesday. 

History, Literature, Bible: Sept. 14-18

Memory Verse: to be recited on Sept. 22nd (Tues)
Luke 1:76-77
"And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins" 

Monday -The Coming of the Teutons reading and comprehension questions.
Tuesday - The Celts of Britain from our "Story of the World" book, reading and questions
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Celts comprehension questions are due to me.
Friday - We will have discussion time to talk about all the different "barbarian" tribes we have read and learned about.

Monday - Spelling Words, make sure you are writing them twice a night and turning them in to me the next day. We will read chapter 14 together as a class, then you will complete chapters 11-14 questions.
Tuesday - Turn in Ch. 11-14 questions to me.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - We will read chapters 15-17
Friday - Discuss chapters 15-17 and complete the questions


Tuesday - Birth of John the Baptist, we will read our introduction card and discuss as a class, you will then complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday- Bible Reading: Luke 1:57-80 after reading Zechariah benediction, you will write a sentence explain what a list of words has to do with the event.
Thursday - Create the clay tablet Zechariah would have used in naming his child John.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Biology Note to students and parents

Please be aware that we will NOT have a vocabulary quiz this Friday.  We have a short week and lots of new information.  Thanks for your understanding!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Biology September 7- 11, 2015

We certainly enjoyed our visitor last week - Hairy Face, the unfortunate tarantula who succumbed to the paralyzing sting of a bee!  He fit right into our lessons about the activities of all living things,  We were able to qualify him as he was made of cells, got food, digested it, excreted it, grew, moved, breathed in and out, responded to his environment, had a life cycle, and probably reproduced before his life cycle tragically ended!  He was quite handsome, and observing him under magnifiers was amazing.  He a mass of about 6 grams.  We even spent some class time researching and recording information.  It was a teachable moment that we ALL enjoyed!

This week we will learn about the structure and function of an animal cell - an amazing and miraculous adventure!

Vocabulary words this week are:
cell membrane
nuclear membrane
golgi bodies

ELA 9/7-9/11

This week we will be identifying action verbs, linking verbs, and verb tenses in a sentence. We will continue to work on the "Planet" essay.

Enjoy the Labor Day holiday!

See you Tuesday,

Ms. Lambden

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Math for Week of September 7-11, 2015

I hope you enjoy your Labor Day Week End!  No School on Monday!

In Math we will

Tuesday- Lesson 1-9 Finding Volume Using Formulas- Page 25 and 26 and Math Box 1-9

Wednesday- Lesson 1-10 Visualizing Volume Units- Page 30 and 31, Math Box 1-10

Thursday- Lesson 1-11 Volume Explorations- Page 32 and Math Box 1-11

Friday- Unit 1 Students take notes for a Progress Check on Monday September 14

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Lingua Latina- Sept. 8-11

Chapter 2, page 13 is due to me on Tuesday, I will check for completion and then we will check our work and make any corrections needed. We will then complete our derivative page and you will study for your quiz on Thursday.

Thursday - Chapter 2 Quiz


Conjugation - listing a verb in all of its forms (endings) - OST ...etc etc.

To find your verb "STEM" go to your infinitive of PIPS, drop the "re" ending and there is your stem you plug in front of your endings.

History, Literature, Bible: Sept. 8-11


Please read chapters 8-10 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this weekend.

Tuesday - Genseric the Vandal Reading and comprehension questions
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Clovis and the Franks Reading and comprehension questions
Friday - Coming of the Teutons to England Reading and comprehension questions

Tuesday - Spelling Test, and I will discuss with you what we learned from Chapters 8-10 from your weekend reading. 
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Chapters 8-10 comprehension questions and an illustration comparing and contrasting Augustus Gloop and Charlie Bucket
Friday - Work on our illustrations in class. 

Tuesday -Your illustration of the Annunciation is due to me, please have it done neatly and colored, including the different symbols and elements we discussed in class. Begin review for your Incarnation quiz. 
Wednesday - Review for Quiz
Thursday - Gabriel Tells Mary of the Incarnation Quiz