Friday, September 25, 2015

History, Literature, and Bible: Sept. 28-Oct. 2

Memory Verse: To be recited on Oct. 6th (Tues.)
Luke 2:30-32

For my eyes have seen your salvation,     which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
    and the glory of your people Israel.

Monday through Friday we will be working on writing our Viking papers. We will discuss how to create detailed support for the facts we have discovered and writing a well structured paragraph. 

Monday - SPELLING Test: Furious, Journey, Yacht, Shalt, Disturb, Basin, Balmy, Wretched, Violently, Scarlet, Despair, Rubbish, Cross, Precipice
Students will read round robin chapters 25 through 27.
Tuesday Going back and re-reading their chapters 25-27 students will complete their comprehension questions.
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday and FridayStudents will read chapters 28-30 of their books and then finish their comprehension questions. They will create their library pockets for each character of the book and write down details we have learned about each character to put in a lap-book to go with their presentation to be assigned next week. 

Spelling Words:

Tuesday -Students will pass out their bibles and read from the two gospels narratives of this event from Matt 1:18-24 and Luke 2:1-20. The accounts are different in what they emphasize, the students will write a few sentences about what or who Matthew focuses on the most and then a few sentences on why you think Matthew put more focus on this thing. What fact about Jesus birth was he trying to prove.
WednesdayStudents will pass out their bibles and read the scriptures on the 2nd bible reading page and find the similarities between the two gospel narratives. 
Thursday -We will take our outline of this lesson and create a review sheet to use for study in preparation for the test next Tuesday, October 6th.

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