Saturday, September 26, 2015

Biology September 28 - October 2, 2015

Those cell projects were Fabulous!  I am very impressed with your hard work and imagination.  Isn't it amazing that each single cell has all of these structures with specialized functions?

This week we will learn about the Kingdom of Archaebacteria!  These creatures are also called extremophiles that live in very harsh environments.  We will research three different members of this Kingdom and create a PowerPoint for presentation.

prokaryote (organism with no cell nucleus but nuclear material in cytoplasm)
eukaryote (organism with a nucleus)
autotrope (organism that can create its own food)
heterotrope (organism that cannot create its own food)
unicellular (organism made of one cell)
multicellular (organism made of more than one cell)
Kingdom (there are six kingdoms of living things)
taxonomy (classification and naming of organisms)
Carl Linnaeus (the father of taxonomy)
Aristotle (the first to form a classification system)

For Metric Monday, we will measure length in meters, centimeters, and millimeters.

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