Sunday, September 13, 2015

Math for Week of September 14- 18, 2015

I will be out on Monday, the sub will be Mrs. Owen.  You will  practice your multiplication skills.  She will have you complete an Activity Sheet. You may show your work on the Activity Sheet.  When you finish the Activity Sheet, you will do a Diffy and then you may play Integer War.

When I return on Tuesday we will

Tuesday- Lesson 1-9- Two Formulas for Volume- page 25 & 26 and Math Box 1-9

Wednesday- Lesson 1-9- Two Formulas for Volume- page 25 & 26 and Math Box 1-9

Thursday-Lesson 1-10- Visualizing Volume Units- pages 28-30 and Math Box 1-10

Friday- Lesson 1-11- Volume Exploration- pages 32 & 33 and Math Box 1-11

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