Sunday, September 6, 2015

Biology September 7- 11, 2015

We certainly enjoyed our visitor last week - Hairy Face, the unfortunate tarantula who succumbed to the paralyzing sting of a bee!  He fit right into our lessons about the activities of all living things,  We were able to qualify him as he was made of cells, got food, digested it, excreted it, grew, moved, breathed in and out, responded to his environment, had a life cycle, and probably reproduced before his life cycle tragically ended!  He was quite handsome, and observing him under magnifiers was amazing.  He a mass of about 6 grams.  We even spent some class time researching and recording information.  It was a teachable moment that we ALL enjoyed!

This week we will learn about the structure and function of an animal cell - an amazing and miraculous adventure!

Vocabulary words this week are:
cell membrane
nuclear membrane
golgi bodies

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