Sunday, October 25, 2015

Biology October 26-30, 2015

It is Microscope Week in Biology!  We will continue to learn about the parts and proper use.  The first lab will be the "Enormous E."  This will be a short week (field trip on Tuesday and Canterbury Faire on Friday) so hopefully we will reach our goals.  We will keep checking on the potato slices and record observations of  bacteria/mold growth!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Math for Week of October 26-30, 2015


Last week in math we worked on multiplication.  Most of the children are getting faster, so some of them are improving very slowly.  Please keep working with them at home.  Multiplication is more difficult for some children, but they need to have this skill for all the other skills to come.

This week we will use powers of 10 to solve multiplication problems and convert between the US customary system.



Friday, October 23, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 26-30

Memory Verse: Recite on November 3rd
Matthew 2:14-15
Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet, “Out of Egypt I have called my son.”

Monday - We ARE going to finish this Viking unit, creating the Thor's hammer, and learning about Futhark the Viking rune alphabet
Tuesday - St. Jerome Completes the Vulgate, we will read from our introduction cards and complete the corresponding worksheet.
Wednesday - Project 2, St. Jerome Art Study, you will be looking up information as to why St. Jerome is often depicted with a skull and/or a lion in paintings and writing 2 paragraphs explaining why.
Thursday - Review for St. Jerome quiz for next Monday.

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Aloft, Champion, Sorrowful, Perchance, Renowned, Ogre, Foolhardy, Sooth, Warrior, Triumph, Rein, Henceforth
Beowulf, read chapter 7-8 in your books
Tuesday -Chapters 5-8 comprehension questions
Wednesday - Read Chapters 9-10
Thursday - Discussion from this week's chapters readings and then complete Chapter 9-10 comprehension

Spelling for the week of November 2nd
1.       Astonishment
2.       Modestly
3.       Courteous
4.       Reverence
5.       Entreated
6.       Twilight
7.       Glittering
8.       Precious
9.       Grappling
10.   Twain
11.   Abide
12.   Bestowed

Tuesday - Recite memory verse: Matthew 2:9-10
Visit of the Magi Review
Wednesday - Visit of the Magi Quiz
Thursday - Flight to Egypt, we will read our introduction card and complete the corresponding worksheet.

Lingua Latina: Oct. 26-30

Monday: Chapter 5 in our books is a review of chapters 1-4. We will work together in class and whatever is not finished is due to me the next Monday since we will not be having class on Friday.

Friday: Canterbury Faire!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Biology October 19-24, 2015

This week we will learn about the parts and proper use of a microscopes,  We are fortunate to have several types of microscope that we will be able to use for hands-on experiences! We will also "grow" bacteria using potato slices that have been swabbed from various surfaces around the school.  What are your predictions?

Vocabulary for the week (test on Friday)
body tube
nose piece
light source
stage clips

I would like the students to use their three-ring vocabulary binder for all of our science work rather than the spiral.  We hopefully won't lose or misplace things as easily!  Thank you - if you do not have a three-ring binder, please get one!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Math for Week of October 19-23, 2015

In Math this week we will continue to work with multiplication facts.  We will begin multiplying larger numbers.  We will do a color by number picture using our multiplication facts.  We will cover Lesson 2-07 (Traditional Multiplication Part 3), Lesson 2-8 (Traditional Multiplication Part 4).  We will learn a new game to play, Multiplication Top It.

Keep Practicing!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Lingua Latina: Oct. 19-23

Tell your parents what an "ancilla" is!
Monday - We will study in preparation for our quiz on Chapter 4 coming up on Friday
Friday Chapter 4 Quiz
REMEMBER! Study your previous chapters vocabulary and practice changing your 1st Declension Noun Endings. 

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 19-23

Memory Verse: Recite on Oct. 27
Matthew 2:9-10
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

Monday - Viking Paper 2nd Draft is DUE, please rewrite your papers with the new Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs we discussed and worked on in class this past week.
Tuesday - You will receive back your Viking Papers, and write your final Paper
Wednesday - Chapel, catch up on any work we need to finish
Thursday - We will present our Viking papers to our classmates and create a Viking Longship
Friday - We will be creating a Thor's hammer and discuss how the Viking and Scandinavian people merged their old religion with the new one, Christianity. We will also discuss Runes and learn to write our names as you might see them in a Viking tale!

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Kenning, Hoard, Horde,Guardian, Poisonous, Expedition, Treachery. 
Beowulf, Chapters 1-4 Summary, we will discuss and put in order the events that we have read about so far. Then you will use the tools I give you to create a summary of the first 4 chapters.
Tuesday - Read Chapters 5 and 6, pages 28-41
Wednesday - Chapel, catch up on any work we need to finish
Thursday - This day will be reserved for our Viking projects, but please complete a comprehension worksheet on Chapters 5 and 6 for homework.
Friday - Turn in Chapter 5 and 6 comprehension worksheet.

1.              Aloft up in, or up in the air
2.              Champion- a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition
3.              Sorrowful -feeling or showing grief
4.              Perchance -by some chance; perhaps:
5.              Renowned - known or talked about by many people; famous:
6.              Ogre -(in folklore) a man-eating giant
7.              Foolhardy -recklessly bold or rash:
8.              Sooth -truth
9.              Warrior -a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.
10.            Triumph -a great victory or achievement:
11.            Rein -a long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse's bit

12.            Henceforth -from this time on or from that time on

Tuesday -Simeon Meets The Christ Quiz, recite Matthew 2:6 Verse
Wednesday - Visit of the Magi, reading card and corresponding worksheet
Thursday - We will read Matthew 2:1-12 and complete a crossword puzzle

ELA October 19-23

This week we will be identifying indirect objects, subject complements, and understanding correct pronoun usage. Friday, we will be having a quiz over level one (eight parts of speech) and level two (subject, predicate, direct object, and indirect object) analysis.

Ms. Lambden

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Biology October 12 - 16, 2015h

Welcome to our new student, Keliah!  We are happy to finally meet you!

On Thursday, October 15, we will have a vocabulary test:

Domain (one of three major groups to classify organisms)
Kingdom (one of six groups under Domain)
Phylum (classification of a group under Kingdom)
Autotroph (organism that makes its own food)
Heterotroph (organism that gets it food from other organisms)
Unicellular (organism made of only one cell)
Multicellular (organism make of more than one cell)
Prokaryote (organism that does not have a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles)
Eukaryote (organism that has a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles)
Extremophile (organism that lives in extreme habitats (such as hot water, salt, ice)
D K P C O F G S (mnemonic for order of classification of living things)

Dear King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti/Dear King Phillip Came Over From Germany Saturday


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Math for Week of October 12- 16, 2015

We are getting to the point where we need multiplication facts.  I find that the children know some, but not all of them.  There is an hesitation when I ask for multiplication facts (even 2s and 5s).  I have decided to devote this whole week to multiplication facts and fact families.  We need to have these multiplication facts down without hesitation.

You can help your child by insisting they work on these facts for 30 minutes every evening.You can also call out multiplication facts as you drive down the street on you way to school or going home from school.  We will be having contests and playing games that require knowing these facts in class.  

Let's grit our teeth and get these multiplication facts committed to memory!!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Picture Day

A reminder that Picture Day is this coming Wednesday, Oct. 14th. So wear your best chapel uniform, brush your teeth, and don't forget to brush your hair. 

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 13-16

Memory Verse: To be recited on Oct. 20th, Tuesday
Matthew 2:6
“‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel."

Tuesday - We will use this time to finish our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lapbooks
Wednesday - I will hand back your Viking papers and we will discuss how to write a proper introduction and conclusion paragraph and make the corrections I've marked on your papers. 
Thursday - Work on corrections to our papers. Proof-reading and Editing. 
Friday - Work on corrections to our papers. Proof-reading and Editing.

Tuesday - Spelling Test: Sacred, Comrade, Guise, Succor, Thane, Oppressor, Mischief, Fiend, Scoff, Wrought
We will finish Chapter 1 and read through Chapter 2 of our new epic tale Beowulf,  and work on completing our Lapbooks from our previous book. 
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Read through Chapter 3 and 4
Friday - Complete Chapters 1-4 Comprehension questions

Spelling Words for next week:
1. kenning with definition: An Anglo-Saxon literary device in which two hyphenated words are used in place of one noun.                                   
2. hoard with definition: To accumulate and store secretly.                                        
3. horde with definition: A large group or crowd.                                                                   
4. guardian
5. poisonous
6. expedition
7. treachery

Tuesday -  Recite memory verse Romans 8:18-19. Simeon meets the Christ: Angels from the Realms of Glory Hymn analysis, I will hand back your other worksheets from this lesson. 
Wednesday - Review for Quiz on Thursday.
Thursday- Simeon Meets the Christ Quiz

Lingua Latina: Oct. 13-16

Friday: We will check our work on page 25 of your Latin workbooks and make corrections. Then complete your Derivative Worksheet on page 26.


Conjugate VERBS  - 6 endings
Decline NOUNS - 10 endings
CASE helps you determine how a noun is used in a sentence. 

1st Declension Noun Endings - Feminine


Thursday, October 8, 2015

ELA 10/12-10/16


Starting Tuesday we will be covering subjects, predicates, linking verb predicates, action verb predicates, and direct objects. We will also be going over your eight parts of speech test.

Enjoy the day off on Monday!

Ms. Lambden

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Spelling Words for Oct. 13th

Greatest apologies Students and Parents! I realize I left off this week's new list of Vocabulary words for Tuesday, Oct. 13th.  This Friday we will get our new book, "Beowulf" so our words have been pulled from those pages.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Biology October 5 - 9, 2015

This week we will learn about three fascinating Extremophiles!  On Tuesday, each group will present their power point, sharing information about classification, cell structure, habitat, nutrition, and adaptations.

Metric Monday activities will include predicting then measuring your height, arm span, foot length, and circumference of your head.

Throughout the week, we bring our Interactive Science Notebooks and Vocabulary up to date.  They will be turned in for grading next Tuesday, October 13.  You will have a vocabulary test on Thursday, October 15.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Math for Week of October 5-9, 2015

We are beginning our multiplication unit.  Everyone should know their multiplication facts, but may have forgotten some of them over the summer.  Please work with your student to refresh their memory.  While you are driving to school, call out multiplication facts and let your student give you the answer.  This will save us a lot of time in class if they know them when they walk in the door.  Thank you for your help!

This week in Math we will

Monday- Lesson 2-4-Traditional Multiplication- Math Book p. 48, Math Box 2-4

Tuesday-  Lesson 2-4-Traditional Multiplication- Math Book p. 48, Math Box 2-4

Wednesday- Lesson 2-5- Traditional Multiplication Part 2- Math Book p. 50, Math Box 2-5

Thursday- Lesson 2-5- Traditional Multiplication Part 2- Math Book p. 50, Math Box 2-5

Friday- Lesson 2-6 Application: Unit Conversions- Math Book p. 52, Math Box 2-6

Friday, October 2, 2015

CCS Sunday

Christ Church School Sunday

First through 8th grade children need to be here no later than 
9:45 A.M. to rehearse with adult choir. 

Luncheon to follow the service. 

Lingua Latina: Oct. 5-9

Monday- We will be completing our Verbs, Irregular Verbs, and Noun charts and then cutting them out and pasting them into our composition books. Those that finish can use the magnet charts on the board.

Friday - We will watch our Chapter 4 Video, we will read through our grammar page together as a class and then you will be responsible for finishing page 25 in your workbooks for homework.

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 5-9

Memory Verse: Recite on October 13th (Tues)
Romans 8:18-19
"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God. "

This week you will be required to do some work at home on your Viking papers. Try to finish collecting the last of your research information so that you can form some really informative paragraphs.
Monday- We will be in the computer lab typing or editing your papers on Vikings.
Tuesday - Computer Lab, writing and collecting pictures on your flash drives that you think would go well with your topic on Viking culture.
Wednesday - I will have a Viking boat for you to start coloring and cutting out to create your own longboat.
Thursday - Put finishing touches on your Viking boat if you have not finished.
Friday - Viking Paper is DUE!!!  

Monday - We will finish taking notes on our Elements of a Story packet. You will then create the same packet answering and identifying all the elements mentioned in our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book.
Tuesday - Chocolate Room Diorama is DUE!  Creating our lap-books to go with our Charlie presentations. You will be creating pockets for each character outlining who they are in the story and different characteristics you identified about each. 
Wednesday - Work on Lap-book with Ms. Winegar
Thursday - Create your own Golden Ticket
Friday - I will pass out and assign a Beowulf book to each of you and we will begin by reading the introduction to this Epic tale.
Tuesday - Memory Verse Luke 2:30-32, Birth of Christ Quiz
Wednesday - Simeon Meets the Christ, introduction reading card and corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Simeon Meets the Christ, read Luke 2:25-35 from our bibles and complete the corresponding worksheet.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

ELA October 5-9

We are wrapping up learning about the eight parts of speech. We will be covering adverbs and interjections this week. There will be a quiz on Wednesday over the eight parts of speech. Friday, there will be a test over the eight parts of speech. A review will be sent home to study. Please make sure you study.

Ms. Lambden