Friday, October 9, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 13-16

Memory Verse: To be recited on Oct. 20th, Tuesday
Matthew 2:6
“‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel."

Tuesday - We will use this time to finish our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lapbooks
Wednesday - I will hand back your Viking papers and we will discuss how to write a proper introduction and conclusion paragraph and make the corrections I've marked on your papers. 
Thursday - Work on corrections to our papers. Proof-reading and Editing. 
Friday - Work on corrections to our papers. Proof-reading and Editing.

Tuesday - Spelling Test: Sacred, Comrade, Guise, Succor, Thane, Oppressor, Mischief, Fiend, Scoff, Wrought
We will finish Chapter 1 and read through Chapter 2 of our new epic tale Beowulf,  and work on completing our Lapbooks from our previous book. 
Wednesday - Chapel
Thursday - Read through Chapter 3 and 4
Friday - Complete Chapters 1-4 Comprehension questions

Spelling Words for next week:
1. kenning with definition: An Anglo-Saxon literary device in which two hyphenated words are used in place of one noun.                                   
2. hoard with definition: To accumulate and store secretly.                                        
3. horde with definition: A large group or crowd.                                                                   
4. guardian
5. poisonous
6. expedition
7. treachery

Tuesday -  Recite memory verse Romans 8:18-19. Simeon meets the Christ: Angels from the Realms of Glory Hymn analysis, I will hand back your other worksheets from this lesson. 
Wednesday - Review for Quiz on Thursday.
Thursday- Simeon Meets the Christ Quiz

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