Friday, October 2, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 5-9

Memory Verse: Recite on October 13th (Tues)
Romans 8:18-19
"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God. "

This week you will be required to do some work at home on your Viking papers. Try to finish collecting the last of your research information so that you can form some really informative paragraphs.
Monday- We will be in the computer lab typing or editing your papers on Vikings.
Tuesday - Computer Lab, writing and collecting pictures on your flash drives that you think would go well with your topic on Viking culture.
Wednesday - I will have a Viking boat for you to start coloring and cutting out to create your own longboat.
Thursday - Put finishing touches on your Viking boat if you have not finished.
Friday - Viking Paper is DUE!!!  

Monday - We will finish taking notes on our Elements of a Story packet. You will then create the same packet answering and identifying all the elements mentioned in our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book.
Tuesday - Chocolate Room Diorama is DUE!  Creating our lap-books to go with our Charlie presentations. You will be creating pockets for each character outlining who they are in the story and different characteristics you identified about each. 
Wednesday - Work on Lap-book with Ms. Winegar
Thursday - Create your own Golden Ticket
Friday - I will pass out and assign a Beowulf book to each of you and we will begin by reading the introduction to this Epic tale.
Tuesday - Memory Verse Luke 2:30-32, Birth of Christ Quiz
Wednesday - Simeon Meets the Christ, introduction reading card and corresponding worksheet
Thursday - Simeon Meets the Christ, read Luke 2:25-35 from our bibles and complete the corresponding worksheet.

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