Saturday, October 3, 2015

Math for Week of October 5-9, 2015

We are beginning our multiplication unit.  Everyone should know their multiplication facts, but may have forgotten some of them over the summer.  Please work with your student to refresh their memory.  While you are driving to school, call out multiplication facts and let your student give you the answer.  This will save us a lot of time in class if they know them when they walk in the door.  Thank you for your help!

This week in Math we will

Monday- Lesson 2-4-Traditional Multiplication- Math Book p. 48, Math Box 2-4

Tuesday-  Lesson 2-4-Traditional Multiplication- Math Book p. 48, Math Box 2-4

Wednesday- Lesson 2-5- Traditional Multiplication Part 2- Math Book p. 50, Math Box 2-5

Thursday- Lesson 2-5- Traditional Multiplication Part 2- Math Book p. 50, Math Box 2-5

Friday- Lesson 2-6 Application: Unit Conversions- Math Book p. 52, Math Box 2-6

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