Friday, October 16, 2015

History, Literature, Bible: Oct. 19-23

Memory Verse: Recite on Oct. 27
Matthew 2:9-10
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

Monday - Viking Paper 2nd Draft is DUE, please rewrite your papers with the new Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs we discussed and worked on in class this past week.
Tuesday - You will receive back your Viking Papers, and write your final Paper
Wednesday - Chapel, catch up on any work we need to finish
Thursday - We will present our Viking papers to our classmates and create a Viking Longship
Friday - We will be creating a Thor's hammer and discuss how the Viking and Scandinavian people merged their old religion with the new one, Christianity. We will also discuss Runes and learn to write our names as you might see them in a Viking tale!

Monday - Spelling Quiz: Kenning, Hoard, Horde,Guardian, Poisonous, Expedition, Treachery. 
Beowulf, Chapters 1-4 Summary, we will discuss and put in order the events that we have read about so far. Then you will use the tools I give you to create a summary of the first 4 chapters.
Tuesday - Read Chapters 5 and 6, pages 28-41
Wednesday - Chapel, catch up on any work we need to finish
Thursday - This day will be reserved for our Viking projects, but please complete a comprehension worksheet on Chapters 5 and 6 for homework.
Friday - Turn in Chapter 5 and 6 comprehension worksheet.

1.              Aloft up in, or up in the air
2.              Champion- a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition
3.              Sorrowful -feeling or showing grief
4.              Perchance -by some chance; perhaps:
5.              Renowned - known or talked about by many people; famous:
6.              Ogre -(in folklore) a man-eating giant
7.              Foolhardy -recklessly bold or rash:
8.              Sooth -truth
9.              Warrior -a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.
10.            Triumph -a great victory or achievement:
11.            Rein -a long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse's bit

12.            Henceforth -from this time on or from that time on

Tuesday -Simeon Meets The Christ Quiz, recite Matthew 2:6 Verse
Wednesday - Visit of the Magi, reading card and corresponding worksheet
Thursday - We will read Matthew 2:1-12 and complete a crossword puzzle

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